Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Petrified Forest National Park Vegetation Map Database was developed as a primary product in the Petrified Forest National Park Vegetation Classification, Distribution, and Mapping project. The map database maps vegetation at four levels of thematic organization at the park: the base, group, macro-group, and management map classes. Most of the base map classes represent plant communities identified to National Vegetation Classification associations. The associated report, Vegetation Classification and Distribution Mapping Report: Petrified Forest National Park, describes in detail the methods used to develop the map database and map classes. The project was sponsored by the USA-National Vegetation Mapping Program and the National Park Service (NPS) Southern Colorado Plateau Network and the work was executed by a multi-agency and organizational team. The vegetation map database covers the park and an approximately 1 kilometer buffer around the park boundary.