Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
<p>The goal for this project included developing the capability to store liquid air for long periods of time without commodity boiloff and oxygen enrichment using cryocoolers and condense the vapor in the dewar as it heat leaks in over time.&nbsp;Seeing the commercial potential of this project, two companies donated a modified 300 L dewar and a cryocooler. Phase I testing demonstrated that the concept works. Phase II was a long-term test during which the mixture ratio was maintained within the sampling error for over 120 days, demonstrating the viability of long-term storage. The goal in Phase III was to determe if the&nbsp;dewar fill level affects the cryocooler energy requirements.</p><p>Testing successfully demonstrated the ability to store liquid air over long periods (6+ months) without boiloff or oxygen enrichment. The laboratory test prototype is currently in use at an operational facility and is doing very well. &nbsp;Full operational implementation of this technology at KSC is currently being considered. Implementation is expected to lead to significant operational cost savings over current operational methods.</p>