Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This coverage contains estimates of herbicide use for the 20 most-used herbicides in the conterminous United States as reported in Gianessi and Puffer (1991). Herbicide-use estimates in this coverage are reported for each county polygon as acres treated, pounds of active ingredient used, and pounds used per square mile. The herbicide-use estimates provided by Gianessi and Puffer (1991) list acres treated and pounds of active ingredient applied for a given crop in each county for which use has been estimated. Cropping data are from the 1987 Census of Agriculture, and are subject to occasional suppressions of acreage estimates at the county level due to problems of confidentiality and census disclosure rules. The herbicide-use estimates included in this coverage are totals of use on all crops treated in a given county. The polygons representing county boundaries in the conterminous United States, as well as lakes, estuaries, and other nonland-area features were derived from the Digital Line Graph (DLG) files representing the 1:2,000,000-scale map in the National Atlas of the United States (1970). Herbicides Herbicide use Counties United States