Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This agreement, entered into between the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of the Interior, known hereafter as the Service, and the Essex Soil Conservation District, of the state of Massachusetts, know hereafter as the District, relates to the cooperative soil and moisture conservation operations on lands and for the benefit of lands administered by the Service. The authorities under which the two parties enter into this agreement are, respectively, the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of April 27, 1935 Ch. 85, 49 Stat. 165, U.S.C 590a. Reorganization plan No. IV, and Chapter 531 Soil Conservation District Act of 1945, Massachusetts. The Service is responsible for the conservation of soil and moisture resources on the Federal lands administered by it and funds for the conservation measures herein undertaken are available. Certain of these lands being located within the boundaries of the District and intermingled with the Spivate, State, and other lands, it is desirable that measures for the protection of other lands, be carried out by the District.