Datasets / Field Plot and Observation Points for Colorado National Monument Vegetation Mapping Project

Field Plot and Observation Points for Colorado National Monument Vegetation Mapping Project

Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


This point file displays the 525 field plot and observation locations visited in 2003 and 2004 as part of the vegetation mapping project for Colorado National Monument. The data collected were used for the vegetation classification and mapping of the park. Sample plots were located subjectively in representative vegetation throughout the Monument. A map of soils and geology overlain on topography helped field crews maximize the diversity of sites sampled. Field crews decided where and when to use observation points or vegetation plots to sample the vegetation. Vegetation plots were placed in stands judged by field crews to represent legitimate vegetation types that could be classified to the NVC using standard multivariate analysis techniques. Observation points were placed in stands (1) if the vegetation was highly altered and therefore not classifiable, (2) to provide information about the distribution of common vegetation types adequately sampled in vegetation plots, or (3) if the stand represented a unique vegetation type that was too small to hold a 400m2 sample plot (e.g., seeps, Oregon grape shrubland). Fuels data was collected at a subset of the plots visited, and 360 degree movie files were taken of the vegetation. Nine hundred and twenty photographs were also taken of plot and observation locations.