Datasets / Hypervelocity Code to Design Light Gas Guns to Achieve 10km/s+ Project

Hypervelocity Code to Design Light Gas Guns to Achieve 10km/s+ Project

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued over 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


<p style="margin-left:2.15pt;"> With over 100,000,000 particles smaller than 1 cm in low earth orbit, it is critical that shielding will adequately protect from impacts of this size.  A 3SLGG is a validated method to accelerate small particles up to 10 km/s.  Enabling WSTF to simulate the average LEO velocity of 10 km/s will provide the means to validate ballistic limit equations used to design protective shields.  The first phase was accomplished using the 3SLGG code, which provided the optimal beginning geometric and pressure parameters.  The next phase will include fabrication of the components, development of procedures, safety/design reviews and build up of the launcher system.</p> <p style="margin-left:2.15pt;">  </p>