Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset is part of the collection of Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS) data products produced as part of NASA's MEaSUREs Program. Remote Sensing Systems generates SSM/I and SSMIS binary data products using a unified, physically based algorithm to simultaneously retrieve ocean wind speed (at 10 meters), water vapor, cloud water, and rain rate. The SSMIS data have been carefully intercalibrated on the brightness temperature level with the previous SSM/I and therefore extend this important time series of ocean winds, vapor, cloud and rain values. This algorithm is a product of 20 years of refinements, improvements, and verifications. The Global Hydrology Resource Center has reformatted the binary data into a netCDF data product for each temporal group for each satellite. The netCDF SSMI/SSMIS collection will be available for F8, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17 for each temporal aggregation: daily, 3-day, weekly and monthly.