Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This study was initiated due to the high levels of PCBs 2300 ppm in soil, 660ppb in sediment, 40ppb groundwater and lead 2800 ppm soil found on Tern Island in French Frigate Shoals FFS. Pearl and Hermes Atoll was not thought to have been used for human exploitation or habitation. Recently, it became clear that the Atoll was used to refuel float planes during WWII. At Midway, DDT contamination is found with every excavation. Recent monitoring results found PCBs in the Midway Atoll fish as high as 25 ppm dry weight and 2300 ppb in the sediments. These sediment results are even more alarming in that they were taken from a high energy area where all debris was removed more than 2 years ago, suggesting an unknown source. One third of Sand Island of Midway Atoll is manmade landfill. No records exist as to what was used for fill besides coral dredge waste. This year two previously unknown USTs were found on Eastern Island, Midway Atoll. Each year over 1 million Albatross nest on Midway. Several hundred thousand more nest on the other atolls of the Northwest Hawaiian chain. This study attempted to determine what effect local contamination has on albatross reproduction and survival, and was not able to determine conclusively that local contamination was the only cause for elevated concentrations of pollutants in the local albatross.