Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
The Version-003 of Level-3 Aura/OMI daily global TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded product (OMTO3e) is generated by the NASA OMI science team by picking the best pixel (shortest path length) data from the good quality filtered level-2 total column ozone data (OMTO3) that fall in the 0.25x0.25 degree global grids. The OMTO3 Product is a Level-2 (orbital swath, 13x24 km spatial resolution at nadir) product based on the enhanced TOMS version-8 algorithm. The OMTO3e product is made available to the OMI data user from the GES DISC site( The documents giving the details of data filtering and the data read and visualization software are made available from the OMTO3 product site, (The shortname for this Level-3 TOMS-Like total column ozone product is OMTO3e_V003) OMTO3e data is stored in HDF-EOS5 format. Each file contains total column ozone, radiative cloud fraction and solar and viewing zenith angles. The file size is approximately 2.8 Mbytes. The capabilities of parameter and spatial sub-settings in HDF and ASCII formats are available from the GES DISC data download site OMTO3e data is also available in the GES DISC Giovanni system, an online Web-based browser for previewing and exploring the key parameters ( There are two Aura/OMI daily global TOMS-Like Total Column Ozone gridded products, OMTO3e is gridded in 0.25x0.25 degree, and OMTO3d is gridded in 1x1 degree.