Temperature, salinity and other variables collected from discrete sample and profile observations using CTD, bottle and other instruments from the KNORR in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean from 1983-11-13 to 1983-12-10 (NODC Accession 0117698)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
NODC Accession 0117698 includes chemical, discrete sample, physical and profile data collected from KNORR in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean from 1983-11-13 to 1983-12-10 and retrieved during cruise GLODAPv2_316N19831113. These data include DISSOLVED OXYGEN, HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, NITRATE, NITRITE, PHOSPHATE, Potential temperature (theta), SALINITY, SILICATE and WATER TEMPERATURE. The instruments used to collect these data include CTD and bottle. These data were collected by Arnold Gordon of Columbia University; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory as part of the GLODAPv2_316N19831113 data set.