Datasets / SBUV2/NOAA-14 Ozone (O3) Nadir Profile and Total Column Daily L2 V1

SBUV2/NOAA-14 Ozone (O3) Nadir Profile and Total Column Daily L2 V1

Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Issued about 9 years ago



Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded


The Solar Backscattered Ultra Violet (SBUV) from NOAA-14 Level-2 daily product (SBUV2N14L2) contains ozone nadir profile and total column data from retrievals generated from the v8.6 SBUV algorithm. The v8.6 SBUV algorithm estimates the ozone nadir profile and total column from SBUV measurements using 1) the Brion-Daumont-Malicet ozone cross sections, 2) an OMI-derived cloud-height climatology, 3) a revised a priori ozone climatology, and 4) inter-instrument calibration based on comparisons with no local time difference. The SBUV2N14L2 product is written as daily files using the HDF5 format, with file sizes ranging from about 1 to 5 Mbytes. Data are available from March 1995 through September 2006. The SBUV2N14L2 data product was used as input in creating the SBUV2N14L3zm monthly zonal mean data product.