Pacific Islands Coral Reef Ecosystems Division (CRED) Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) algae species lists (NODC Accession 0010352)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Quadrats were sampled along consecutively placed transect lines as part of Rapid Ecological Assessments conducted at sites in American Pacific Islands: CRED REA Algal Assessments Pacific Remote Island Areas 2004 CRED REA Algal Assessments Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas and Guam 2003 CRED REA Algal Assessments Northwest Hawaiian Islands 2002, 2003, and 2004 CRED REA Algal Assessments American Samoa 2004 REA Algae Assessments MHI 2005 Raw survey data included genus presence and relative abundance, and voucher specimens. These data are algae species lists developed during this survey. Purpose: Part of an initial CRED assessment program in which corals, algae, fish, and other macroinvertebrates are co-sampled along the same set of transect lines.