Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
The Version 003 of Aura-OMI Spectral Surface UVB Irradiance and Erythemal Dose Level-2G data product (Daily level-2 data binned into global 0.25 deg Lat/Lon grids) is now available ( )from the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) for the public access. (The shortname for this Level-2G OMI Surface UVB product is OMUVBG) The algorithm team consists of FMI scientists Drs. J. Hovila, A. Arola and J. Tamminen. The OMUVBG is a special Level-2 Global Gridded type data Product (referred as Level 2G or L2G) where Level-2 or swath pixel data are binned (but not averaged)into 0.25x0.25 degree global grids. It contains the data for all L2 scenes that have observation time between UTC times of 00:00:00 and 23:59:59.9999. All ancillary parameters such as Lat, Long, time, solar and viewing angles are also saved for each pixel. First two dimensions of each parameter correspond to spatial (Lat/Lon based) Grid ID and third dimension idenifies the pixel or observed scene (referred as 'candidates' ID). Scientist can apply data filtering scheme of their choice, average good quality pixels data in each grid and create their Level-3 products. The GES DISC developed interactive tool Giovanni( provides web based capabilities to browse and explore these data. OMUVBG files are available in EOS Hierarchical Data Format(HDF5-EOS). Each file contains daily data from the day lit portion of the globe. The maximum file size for the OMUVBG data product is about 128 MBytes. Parameter and spatial subsetting is available during the data download from the GES DISC data access system (