Published By Federal Laboratory Consortium
Issued about 9 years ago
The Benefield Anechoic Facility (BAF) supports installed systems testing for avionics test programs requiring a large, shielded chamber with radio frequency (RF) absorption capability that simulates free space. The BAF is an ideal ground test facility to investigate and evaluate anomalies associated with EW systems, avionics, tactical missiles and their host platforms. Tactical-sized, single or multiple, or large vehicles can be operated in a controlled electromagnetic (EM) environment with emitters on and sensors stimulated while RF signals are recorded and analyzed. The largest platforms tested at the BAF have been the B-52 and C-17 aircraft. The BAF supports testing of other types of systems such as spacecraft, tanks, satellites, air defense systems, drones and armored vehicles. The BAF equipment generates RF signals with a wide variety of characteristics, simulating red/blue/gray (unfriendly/friendly/unknown) surface-based, sea-based, and airborne systems. With the combination of signals and control functions available, a wide variety of test conditions can be emulated. Many conditions that are not available on outdoor ranges can be easily generated from the aspect of signal density, pulse density and number of simultaneous types. Through the use of environmental monitoring systems, an independent agency captures, records, and verifies RF generated signals. These systems have the capabilities for real-time and post-test RF signal parameter measurement, instrument display recording, data analysis and test coordination, as well as providing the data for signal verification.