Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
<p>Propulsion technology is often critical for space missions.&nbsp;High-value missions could be done with very&nbsp;small spacecraft, even CubeSats, but these nanosatellites&nbsp;currently have little propulsion capability. After&nbsp;CubeSats are deployed, they usually just tumble or drift&nbsp;away from the transport spacecraft. They cannot transfer&nbsp;to higher value orbits, maintain their orbit, or even&nbsp;deorbit. Larger spacecraft would benefit from highprecision&nbsp;attitude-control systems to maintain the&nbsp;desired orbit and point in the desired direction. Existing&nbsp;attitude-control systems, like reaction wheels, are very&nbsp;complex and may have insufficient lifetimes. NASA is&nbsp;investing in Microfluidic Electrospray Propulsion (MEP)&nbsp;thrusters to provide the new propulsion capabilities to&nbsp;address both of these mission needs.</p><p>Chemical propulsion systems are limited to the combustion&nbsp;energy available in the chemical bonds of the&nbsp;fuel and the acceleration provided by a converging-diverging&nbsp;nozzle. Electric propulsion uses electric&nbsp;power to accelerate propellant to very high exhaust&nbsp;velocities&mdash;up to 10 times greater than for chemical&nbsp;propulsion. This increases the momentum transfer efficiency&nbsp;or the fuel economy. The propellant efficiency of&nbsp;thrusters, which is proportional to the exhaust velocity,&nbsp;is referred to as the &ldquo;specific impulse,&rdquo; or ISP, measured&nbsp;in seconds. The state of the art for CubeSats is cold&nbsp;gas propulsion with an ISP of 50 to 80 s. The chemical&nbsp;propulsion main engine for the space shuttles demonstrated&nbsp;an ISP of 450 s. However, the target ISP for MEP&nbsp;systems is greater than 1500 s&mdash;enough to transfer a&nbsp;1-kg 10-cm cube from low Earth orbit to interplanetary&nbsp;space with only 200 g of propellant.</p>