Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Nesting spectacled eiders were monitored for the 20th consecutive year on Kigigak Island, Alaska in 2011. Clutch size, hatch date, and final nest status were determined to estimate nesting productivity of spectacled eider females. In addition, adult females were resighted, captured, and marked to estimate annual survival. Peak nest initiation and hatch occurred 2730 May and 2023 June, respectively. We located 114 spectacled eider nests on 33 plots. Of these 114, 27 were unsuccessful due to natural causes, including depredation 25 nests, 21.9 and addledinviable eggs 2 nests, 1.8, and 2 were unsuccessful due to human influences 1.8. The estimated Mayfield nest success of 103 nests was 57.9 95 CI; 45.068.7. Eightysix adult females were identified in 2011: 71 were nesttrapped and 15 were visually identified by nasal disk or tarsal band. Fortysix of the nesttrapped females were recaptures; the other twentyfive were new captures. Three of the 46 recaptured birds had been banded as ducklings in 2008 and were observed nesting on Kigigak Island for the first time in 2011.