Published By Department of Veterans Affairs
Issued about 9 years ago
The Automated Safety Incident Surveillance and Tracking System (ASISTS) is a repository of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) employee accident data. Many types of accidents are captured, but the primary focus of the ASISTS database is to track and to report on employee exposures to blood borne pathogens through needlesticks, sharps and body fluids. Accident data is captured locally at medical centers using the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) ASISTS package. Federal Employee Compensation claims are transmitted electronically in order to provide efficient and timely submission to the Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs; and to ensure that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses is maintained. On a daily basis the Federal Employee Compensation claims are transmitted by Electronic Data Interchange extraction. A weekly download of the accident reports are sent to the national database using MailMan messages. On a monthly basis, extracts are sent to the ASISTS central repository located at the Austin Information Technology Center. The VHA Support Service Center (VSSC) provides multiple customized reports on the VSSC Web portal available on the VA Intranet. The primary users of ASISTS include OSHA, VA Headquarters, the VISN Directors, and occupational safety and health professionals located at each VA medical facility.