Datasets / Pupil attainment at GCSE: Achieving 5+ grade A*-C by school

Pupil attainment at GCSE: Achieving 5+ grade A*-C by school

Published By Department for Children, Schools and Families

Issued over 10 years ago



Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

UK Open Government Licence

automatically awarded


Percentage of those aged 16 who get qualifications equivalent to 5 GCSEs at Grades A* to C by school Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Geographies: County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region (GOR) Geographic coverage: England Time coverage: 1994 to 2008 Type of data: Survey (census) Notes: Data all relate to 15 year olds not 16 as in the target definition. The local and regional figures are based on data provided only by relevant maintained schools and discount pupils who have recently arrived from overseas.