Published By Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
Issued about 10 years ago
These are downloadable open format versions of the complete monthly Overseas Trade Statistics (OTS) and Importers Details datasets, with a 6 year archive of past data. They are published by HM Revenue and Customs on its trade statistics website (See additional links below) The files contain commodity and partner country-level import and export information, organised in six sets of flat files: 1. Control Files - including descriptions for each 8 digit commodity code and the standard abbreviations for units 2. Exports - containing data for goods exported from the UK to all countries excluding the European Union (EU) 3. Imports - containing data for goods imported to the UK from all countries excluding the EU 4. Trader Files - names, addresses and post codes of UK importers of goods from countries excluding the EU 5. Dispatches - containing data (including estimates) for goods exported from the UK to all EU countries 6. Arrivals - containing data (including estimates) for goods imported to the UK from all EU countries