Published By Blaby District Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains details of all contracts Blaby District Council has with a value or potential value in excess of £5000. This information will be updated at least every 3 months.
Published By North Somerset Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Blaby District Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains details of grants made to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations within the previous financial year. It will be updated on an annual basis.
Published By Blaby District Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains details of all assets (land and buildings) currently owned by the Council. It includes their location, current use and reason for ownership. This information will be updated on an annual basis.
Published By Open Data Institute
Issued over 9 years ago
Aggregate statistics on the usage of the Open Data Pathway tool and the scores generated for organisational assessments.
Published By Heritage Foundation
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By world survey
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Beirut International Airport
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Open Data Institute
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Ministerstvo financí České republiky
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Peter Hanečák
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Greater Manchester Ecology Unit
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 9 years ago
This is the main page for migration indicator related data and reports. The following are included as part of this work: * Internal migration * International migration - Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) - International Passenger Survey (IPS) * National Insurance Number (NINo) allocations * 'Flag 4' GP registrations * Short-term international migration All Updates and the accompanying data can be downloaded. The Excel workbook contains the raw data as well as charts for the different migration indicators. Last updated for May 2014 release of data.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 9 years ago
**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2012:**SKILLS**:DEGREES**OF**QUALIFICATION London’s diverse economy, and status as one of the most important cities in the world calls for a highly skilled workforce. Qualifications are considered an important predictor of success in a labour market. This edition of Focus on London, authored by Slawek Kozdras, explores the skills and qualification levels of young people before moving on to an analysis of adults’ qualifications and the skills that different occupations in London require. **REPORT:** Read the full report as a [PDF]( ![]( **PRESENTATION:** This interactive presentation focuses on achievements of 15 year olds, and compares trends of GCSE results in London, and England, with results in the OECD PISA tests, and shows that while GCSE results are still rising sharply, results in the PISA tests have a slight downward trend in London and the UK. View Degrees of Qualification on []( **CHARTS:** The motion chart shows the relationship between percentage of pupils achieving 5 good GCSE grades with the proportion of 19 year olds achieving level 3 qualifications, at borough level, and shows how these measures have changed since 2005. [Motion Chart]( **DATA:** All the data contained within the Skills: Degrees of Qualification report as well as the data used to create the charts and maps can be accessed in this [spreadsheet]( **FACTS:** Some interesting facts from the data… ● Boroughs with the highest increase in the proportion of pupils achieving 5 GCSEs at least A*-C level, including in English and mathematics (maintained schools), between 2005/06 and 2010/11: 1. Tower Hamlets (+26%) 2. Southwark (+23%) 3. Haringey (+23%) -32. Ealing (+7%) ● Regions with the highest proportion of people aged 25-44 with degree-level qualifications: 1. London (51%) 2. Scotland (44%) 3. South East (41%) -13. Merseyside (30%) ● Industries with the highest percentage of people with degree-level qualifications: 1. Banking and finance (64%) 2. Public administration, education and health (63%) 3. Other services (53%) -9. Agriculture, forestry and fishing (23%)
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 9 years ago
November 2014 - Internship research TNS survey of young Londoners TNS conducted a survey of 697 young adults aged 19-30 in London. This was an online self-completion survey which ran from 10 July to 5 August 2014. Results are weighted to represent Londoners aged 19-30. Talk London survey of current and former interns Talk London conducted a survey of 120 young adults aged 19-30 who were currently doing or had completed an internship. This was an online self-completion survey which ran from 29 July to 31 October 2014.
Published By London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
Issued over 9 years ago
This annual snapshot provides data by borough for the activities of the London Fire Brigade (LFB). The snapshot includes key numbers (like stations, fire engines) as well as different incidents types. The data is presented in Instant Atlas format which allows comparisons between boroughs as well as showing an annual data over time for different items. Monthly borough data for incidents attended by the LFB is available [here](
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued over 9 years ago
Internal migration by local authorities in England and Wales Definitions: Internal migration is defined as residential moves between different local authorities (LAs) in the UK, including those that cross the boundaries between the four UK nations: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, only moves affecting LAs in England and Wales are included; moves that occur solely within Scotland and/or Northern Ireland are excluded. The statistics also exclude any moves within a single LA and any international moves either into or out of the UK. The local authority and age/sex tables use this definition. The regional tables follow the same principles, except that they only include moves that cross the boundaries of the English regions or the boundaries between the four UK nations. Any moves occurring within a single English region, or within Wales, are excluded. Data sources: The quality of administrative data used in the production of internal migration estimates may change over time. These changes are outside the control of ONS. Age: Defined as age as at 30 June 2012, so in many cases will be one year older than age at actual move. Rounding: Values in tables are rounded to the nearest unit. For the age and sex table the rounding is to the nearest 10. This may mean that totals do not sum exactly.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 9 years ago
ONS internal migration estimates have been used to create two visualisations showing in-, out- and net flows of school age children at a borough and region level for mid-year 2009 to mid-year 2013.
Published By Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Issued over 9 years ago
Census 2011 data showing, proportion of population (3+) who speak different languages. The numbers of the population aged 3+ who speak specified languages as their main language at home, by local authority, region and country. Main language from 2011 Census (detailed) - Census table QS204EW.
Published By Greater London Authority (GLA)
Issued over 9 years ago
In November 2014, 3,674 Londoners took part in the first London Survey run by [Talk London](, to tell us what they thought of the city and their neighbourhood. The London Survey enables us to: • Assess Londoners’ priorities across the breadth of Mayoral responsibilities • Understand Londoners’ perceptions of their quality of life • Identify those areas that require improvement, or where we need to improve outcomes for particular groups of people. ###TECHNICAL DETAILS • Results are based on interviews with 3,674 London residents aged 18+. • Interviews were carried out online via the Talk London community between 3 Oct and 5 Nov. • Interviews were not randomly sampled, but self-selecting via a number of known databases. This achieved a non-representative sample of Londoners. • The data has been weighted by age, gender and ethnicity to reflect that of the London population. • A minimum number of responses were achieved for each key demographic group to maintain a robust sample. • Where results do not sum to 100% this may be due to multiple responses, computer rounding or the exclusion of don’t knows/not stated. • The qualitative analysis of the open-ended questions 36, 37 and 38 was undertaken by SPA Future Thinking. Top level themes and sub themes are reported as a percentage of the overall base number of respondents (3,421 to all three questions). The top three sub themes are presented where available. • This is the first London Survey conducted by Talk London for City Hall. ###INFOGRAPHICS [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](](
Published By London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
Issued over 9 years ago
Details of senior LFEPA (London Fire Brigade (LFB)) staff (top three tiers) as required by the government's Transparency Code 2014. Data includes name (where consent has been given), post title and number, salary information, contract details, summary of responsibilities, budget and staff. For the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Director roles the budget and staffing figures have been aggregated from the budgets held by Heads of Service, so there is some double counting. [Note: The requirement is to publish details of remuneration for senior employees (as defined by the Account and Audit Regulations); the details published so far are for salary only. Remuneration will be published after April 2015, and annually thereafter.] For remuneration please refer to the Statement of Accounts