Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows registrations for charitable societies to conduct small lotteries (e.g. raffles etc.)
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows all instances of noise nuisance reports between 18:00 - 03:30. These incidents are typically reactive.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset provides information on local elections in Leeds. You can find details of candidates, the parties they represent, and the number of votes they received. Please Note There were no local elections held in Leeds in 2009 and 2013
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Here are some datasets showing nitrogen dioxide levels (NO2). Please note, at the moment only 8 sample locations have been published. Leeds City Council is working to release data on more stations and for more measures in future. Please note The data is collected on an hourly basis Column A = Date of collection (YYMMDD) Column B = Time of collection Column C = Reading Column D = Validation (14 means the data has been validated) NOTE: The data is not necessarily collected for all dates/times/stations
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Breeze offers events and information for children and young people under the age of 19. Please note Unfortunately 2010 data is not available. It is also acknowledged that there is missing information in some of the datasets.
Published By Leeds United Football Club
Issued over 9 years ago
A dataset showing the fixtures, results and attendance of football games played by Leeds United football teams. Additional information For further information please visit:
Published By Leeds Data Mill
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows how many times a top-level dataset page is viewed (e.g. and how many times a sub-page is viewed (e.g. Please note Leeds Data Mill launched on Friday 7th March 2014. Over time, page URLs may change, therefore some stats may refer to pages which no longer exist or where their name has changed.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Dataset showing licence applications for venues to be used as wedding venues.
Published By Leeds Data Mill
Issued over 9 years ago
Listed here are information and guidance documents in respect of open data generally and guidance for publishing data. The documents are produced by Leeds City Council and distributed internally and externally with Leeds Data Mill partners.
Published By West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset provides the number of incidents between 1 April 2014 and 30 September 2014 broken down by ward area. Definintions Primary fires are generally more serious fires occurring in one or more of the following locations, buildings, caravans or trailers, vehicles and other methods of transport (not derelict). Outdoor storage, plant, machinery, agricultural, forestry property, most outdoor structures including post boxes, tunnels, bridges, etc., any fire involving casualties or rescues, or attended by five or more appliances, would also be categorised as a primary fire. A secondary fire is an incident that did not occur at a primary location, was not a chimney fire in an occupied building, did not involve casualties (otherwise categorised as a Primary incident) and was attended by four or fewer appliances. They are generally small fires which start in, and are confined to, outdoor locations. Typically, they are fires in grass or heathland, fires involving rubbish, fires involving street or railway furniture and fires in derelict buildings or vehicles. Aggregated basic information is collected for secondary fires, chimney fires and false fire alarms from the monthly summary provided by brigades. However, fires in secondary locations which involve casualties or rescues or which are attended by five or more appliances are reported in the same way as a primary location. Deliberate fires include fires where deliberate ignition is merely suspected. Accidental fires include fires where the cause was not known or unspecified. RTC – Road Traffic Collisions. Addtional Information For further information please click on the following link:
Data showing skips usage across services in the council. Information includes type of waste disposed of, quantity and weight. Please note This information is supplied by the contractor and in some cases may be incomplete. The 2008/9 dataset is incomplete and only covers April to December.
This dataset comprises of Yorkshire Water Customer Meter data both actual and estimated readings for domestic properties in the Yorkshire Water operational area. The dataset has been anonymised to remove personal data and make it Data Protection Act compliant. There is 5 years worth of data for 2010 - 2015. PLEASE NOTE POSTAL_TOWN - Name of postal town (e.g. Bradford). POSTCODE_OUTCODE - First part of post code (e.g. BD10). PROPERTY_CLASS - "House" measured by Ratable Value (RV) or "All New Domestic Property" METER_KEY - Common reference to link meter readings together over time. READING_START_DATE - Start of metered period. READING_END_DATE - End of metered period. READING_START_READING - Start reading at start of metered period. READING_END_READING - End reading at end of metered period. GROSS_COMSUMPTION - (READING_END_READING)-(READING_START_READING). One unit = 1m3 (1000 litres) DAILY_AVERAGE_CONSUMPTION - GROSS_CONSUMPTION/(READING_END_DATE-READING_START_DATE) READING_SOURCE - Source of meter reading (customer, YW meter reader etc) CUSTOMER_TYPE - determines who is responsible for paying the bill - the occupier (space) or the landlord (A or L). Where this is an I, it means that the meter reading isn't being used to create the bill - these are what are called 'check meters' and exist on domestic properties so we still read them, and are valid water use readings, but the customer has reverted to being billed using rateable value. This usually happens when they request a meter on the basis that they think it will be cheaper, but then find it isn't so are allowed to revert back. BILLPAYER_AGE - is the average age of the billpayers in the household where their dates of birth are known. For some, we don't know their dates of birth. For those households where there are multiple bill payers (Mr & Mrs usually, or students), then it is the average age. (As of June 2015 for that Meter Key. Will not be true for previous years). This has been further anonymised into age ranges in case people can be identified. CURRENT_OCCUPANCY_AGE - Time current occupier has been at property (As of June 2015 for that Meter Key. Will not be true for previous years)
Published By West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset lists all the bus stops in the region of the 5 West Yorkshire District Councils (there are over 14,400 stops, although this figure includes each stop at bus stations and interchanges). The data includes their geographic coordinates and other descriptive information. Please refer to the accompanying document (pdf) for a description of the data elements. This is a snapshot of the data available as of July 2014. We are reviewing how best to maintain and enhance it over the coming months.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council as well as expired contracts for the previous month where a tender process has been run. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Local Government Transparency Code 2014 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. We are currently unable to include the company/charity registration number as this information has never been collected. The system we use to publish tender information, YORtender is being updated around September/October 2015 when we hope to be able to begin to populate this column.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Data files that contain every fine issued for vehicles not having a valid parking ticket whilst in car parks. The data contains date, time, location, fine issued, discount available, and total paid. Local Government Transparency Code 2014 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. Additional Info Please note, from Quarter 3 2014/15, data on off street fines (car park fines) has been divided in to a fines issued dataset and fines paid dataset. Definitions PCN - Penalty Charge Notice Issued - Date PCN was issued Fine - Initial full charge (does not include surcharges) Surcharges - If full payment not made within 56 days from the date the notice is issued the charge is further increased by 50% of the Initial charge. If the payment is still not made, within a further 14 days then a further charge may be applied if the case is registered at court. Charge level - H = High at £70.00/£35.00 discount. L = Low at £50.00/£25.00 discount. Discount - the charge if payment made within 14 days. Balance Amount outstanding at date of sample. A negative balance means an overpayment.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This data is sourced from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and is available via their API. The data is updated on a daily basis and available in XML format via the link. Terms and Conditions Please ensure you read the FSA's Terms and Conditions before re-using this data.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Here's a useful dataset to some of the places across the city to eat and drink. Please note Work is ongoing to ensure this data is accurate. Further information can be found at:
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Grit bin locations showing council grit bin id number and x and y co-ordinates.
A dataset providing information on asssisted living adaptations by ward area. PLEASE NOTE For further information on adaptations please visit
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Find out what's going on and when at the various museums, halls and houses around Leeds.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Dataset showing licences issued for charity collections e.g. door to door or street collections.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The business interests of senior officers (the top 3 tiers of management i.e. Chief Officers and above).
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The data shows information in relation to licensed Pet Shops, Breeders, Animal & Home Boarders and Horse Riding Establishments in the Leeds City Council District. Please note At the present time we have not issued any Dangerous Wild Animals licenses.
Published By Yorkshire Water
Issued over 9 years ago
A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in Yorkshire between 2013 and 2015. This data is taken from a live localised project investigating water use. The data has been anonymised to remove personal data and make it Data Protection Act compliant. The DMAs are also anonymised to prevent any open data activity affecting the results of the ongoing study the data has been taken from. PLEASE NOTE PROPERTY - unique anonymised property identifier between 1 and 2160 METER LOCATION - shows whether the consumption data are from an internal or external meter DMA - (Distribution Management Area) a group of properties supplied with water from the same main 24/03/2012 - the date which the cubic metre (m3) rading refers to
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Dataset showing completed planning applications. This dataset includes the property address the application relates to, type of application and outcome. Please refer to guidance document for further information on what the fields refer to. Local Government Association/Open Data Institute Leeds City Council is participating in a scheme run by the LGA and ODI to standardise datasets from local authorities. Public toilets, premises licences, and planning datasets have been identified first to pilot this scheme.