Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains the numbers of households accommodated by local authorities, broken down by local authority and temporary accommodation type from 2011 Q2 to 2014 Q2 for households accepted as statuorily homeless. Data for other time periods will be added in due course. The term "Homelessness" is often considered to apply only to people "sleeping rough". However, most of our statistics on homelessness relate to the statutorily homeless i.e. those households which meet specific criteria of priority need set out in legislation, and to whom a homelessness duty has been accepted by a local authority. Such households are rarely homeless in the literal sense of being without a roof over their heads, but are more likely to be threatened with the loss of, or are unable to continue with, their current accommodation. A detailed explanation of the responsibilities of local authorities in this area is available from the DCLG website, here. A "main homelessness duty" is owed where the authority is satisfied that the applicant is eligible for assistance, unintentionally homeless and falls within a specified priority need group. Such statutorily homeless households are referred to as "acceptances". The numbers are presented in terms of households, not individuals. A household is defined as: one person living alone, or a group of people living at the same address who share common housekeeping or a living room. Additional Information This data is also available in Table 784a, available for download as an Excel spreadsheet ( The original open data source canbe found at the DCLG Open Data Portal - ODC (
Dataset listing the Leeds metropolitan wards along with their Ward Codes and URL linking to further boundary information on the Office for national Statistics (ONS) website.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
A dataset to show the locations of council buildings and areas that have free public access WIFI. The dataset provides the locations that are currently live and the dates of when exisiting buildings are planned to go live. Additional Information The dataset will be updated at the end of Feb and again at the end of Apr.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Find out what's going on and when at the various museums, halls and houses around Leeds.
Published By Yorkshire Water
Issued over 9 years ago
A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in Yorkshire between 2013 and 2015. This data is taken from a live localised project investigating water use. The data has been anonymised to remove personal data and make it Data Protection Act compliant. The DMAs are also anonymised to prevent any open data activity affecting the results of the ongoing study the data has been taken from. PLEASE NOTE PROPERTY - unique anonymised property identifier between 1 and 2160 METER LOCATION - shows whether the consumption data are from an internal or external meter DMA - (Distribution Management Area) a group of properties supplied with water from the same main 24/03/2012 - the date which the cubic metre (m3) rading refers to
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Details of all council allotment sites around the city. The dataset provides full postal address of sites along with plot sizes and numbers and any facilities. Current charges for 2014/15 £38.50 FULL PLOT (250 m.sq.) RENT ONLY £19.25 HALF PLOT (125 m.sq.) RENT ONLY £9.63 QUARTER PLOT (63 m.sq.) RENT ONLY Water charges (council controlled sites only) £18.00 PER FULL PLOT £11.50 PER HALF AND QUARTER PLOTS
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows rainfall data from 6 rain gauges located at various locations across the city. Please note The siting of the gauges is not to Met Office standards (e.g.. maybe too close to a wall), which may not give an entirely accurate reflection of rainfall. The exact location of these gauges is not released. Measurements are in millilitres.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows primary school place allocations based on distance (in miles). Dataset Guidance Nearest: The furthest distance from which a pupil was admitted if it was their nearest school. Non nearest: The furthest distance from which a pupil was admitted if it was not their nearest school. Information Distances are measured using the midpoint of the main school building and the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) which creates a set of o/s coordinates for each property in Leeds and the surrounding area. These coordinates are unique to each individual property and are used to then measure the distance, in a straight line, from a property to the central point on the main school building. Please go to for further information.
A useful dataset showing all post codes which are listed in the Leeds metropolitan district. The dataset also states which ward these post codes fall under and eastings and northings data showing the central point for each post code.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset provides details of library computer use. Please note The statistics provided do not relate to the number of sessions booked, but rather to the number of sessions used. For example, a person may book a session, but leave part way through, with someone else then taking over the rest of their allocated time. In this instance, this would count as two sessions.
Published By Leeds Data Mill
Issued over 9 years ago
This inventory details the datasets published on Leeds Data Mill. It conforms to specific formats, as defined by the Local Government Association Inventory Schema and this PDF guidance document. The inventory lets people know what is being published and encourages consistent referencing of datasets across participating councils to make it easier to find datasets on the same topic or in the same format. has built a harvester to automatically import inventories and so maintain up-to-date entries for a council, in its index of UK open data.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows a list of Leeds City Council (Parks and Countryside) and parish council managed outdoor recreation sites. It is recognised that some sections still need to be completed. If you can help improve this dataset please get in touch. Have we missed anything off?
A dataset showing the location of war memorials maintained by Leeds City Council. Additional Information Please note this dataset is reviewed annually though may only be updated periodically.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds Inspired offers information on all-things-cultural in Leeds
Published By White Rose Shopping Centre
Issued over 9 years ago
A dataset showing events being hosted by the White Rose Centre and shops in the centre. Additional Information Further information can be found by visting the link:
API provided by Network Rail which lists live train times. You will need to register with Network Rail to get access to this information.
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset shows the number and type of planning applications taken by the Leeds Authority and the time taken. District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national park authorities and urban development corporations. These authorities deal with all other planning applications that are not classified as county matters and mainly include applications for planning permissions on residential, offices, industrial, retail and householder developments. Coverage period is a rolling yearly period - starting from 1st September 2012 and ending 30th September 2013; then for a 12 month period from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013; and finally from 1st April 2013 until 31st March 2014. Addtional Information This data is available for download as an Excel Spreadsheet ( The original open data source can be found on the DCLG Open Data Site - (
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities. Please note Data is recorded only for Convenors, Union Learn Representative (ULR) and the ULR Co-ordinator (ULRC) only. ULR (Headcount) had reduced to 7 (FTE) by 14/03/14. This equated to 0.76 FTE. Data is only recorded for Convenors, and the ULR Co-ordinator with specific allocation of hours for ULRs. In terms of paid time off this is mainly allowed for union duties and not activities. Total Estimate Spending = Number of FTE days spent on union activities x average salary divided by the total pay bill (Spend based on Basic salary in line with other reporting of union salary costs plus accommodation as required). Trade unions recognised by Leeds City Council for the purpose of collective bargaining are Unison, GMB, Unite, UCATT, NUT, NAHT, NASUWT, ATL, ASCL. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds City Council publishes details of all officers earning over £50,000, including the top three tiers of its senior management. The top three tiers are regarded as the Chief Executive, Directors, and Chief Officers who report to a Director. If you have any queries relating to this dataset or wish to get in touch with one of the senior officers in the council, please email in the first instance. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. This dataset will be updated in September in line with the publication of the council's annual Statement of Accounts Please note: There are occasions where payment is made to individuals which may cross the ceiling threshold, where one of the following reasons may apply: Temporary payment (honoraria) for taking on extra duties or project work (e.g. Tour de France) for short periods One off payments connected with leaving employment under our Early Leavers Initiative
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Two datasets to be used in conjunction with each other to provide information on waste collection dates for all households across Leeds. DATASET GUIDANCE Property routes: This dataset lists the unique property reference number and full postal address for every property in Leeds where a bin is collected; colour wheelie bin at that property and the ROUNDID which can be linked to the second dataset to identify collection date. Route dates: This dataset shows the unique identifier, ROUNDID and collection dates for that round. PLEASE NOTE This data is periodically updated and checked. As such the information may contain some errors, be incomplete or updated at any moment. We apologise for any inaccuracies that may arise.
Published By West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset provides the number of incidents between 1 April 2014 and 30 September 2014 broken down by ward area. Definintions Primary fires are generally more serious fires occurring in one or more of the following locations, buildings, caravans or trailers, vehicles and other methods of transport (not derelict). Outdoor storage, plant, machinery, agricultural, forestry property, most outdoor structures including post boxes, tunnels, bridges, etc., any fire involving casualties or rescues, or attended by five or more appliances, would also be categorised as a primary fire. A secondary fire is an incident that did not occur at a primary location, was not a chimney fire in an occupied building, did not involve casualties (otherwise categorised as a Primary incident) and was attended by four or fewer appliances. They are generally small fires which start in, and are confined to, outdoor locations. Typically, they are fires in grass or heathland, fires involving rubbish, fires involving street or railway furniture and fires in derelict buildings or vehicles. Aggregated basic information is collected for secondary fires, chimney fires and false fire alarms from the monthly summary provided by brigades. However, fires in secondary locations which involve casualties or rescues or which are attended by five or more appliances are reported in the same way as a primary location. Deliberate fires include fires where deliberate ignition is merely suspected. Accidental fires include fires where the cause was not known or unspecified. RTC – Road Traffic Collisions. Addtional Information For further information please click on the following link:
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Energy consumption of council sites from council buildings to street lighting. Information Electricity and gas consumption for 2009/10 - 2014/15
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Information showing customer contact to our Contact Centre and One Stop Centres by month. Dataset Guidance: F2F = Face-to-face (One Stop Centre) CC = Contact centre (Call centre/telephone)
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council as well as expired contracts for the previous month where no tender process has been run e.g. 3 quote process. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish.
Published By West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset provides the number of home fire safety checks conducted by WYFR broken down by ward area. Additional Information For further information and how to request a safety check please click on the link: