Published By Department for Transport
Issued alrededor de 10 años ago
The Department for Transport (DFT) has published monthly consolidated files of invoice payments; grant payments, and other payment transactions in accordance with the Prime Minister’s requirements on transparency and subsequent Treasury guidance. The information covers the period from 01 April 2009. The threshold for disclosing transactions is over £500 for the central department, its agencies and arm's length bodies. The status of those included in this initiative is as follows: Department: Department for Transport Executive agencies: Highways Agency, Government Car and Despatch Agency, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Vehicle Certification Agency Trading Funds: Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Driving Standards Agency, Vehicle and Operators Services Agency Non Department Public Bodies: (Please note: not all NDPBs incur relevant expenditure for each period) British Transport Police Authority, CTRL Section 1 Finance PLC, Directly Operated Railways Limited, High Speed 2, LCR Finance PLC, London and Continental Railways Limited, Passenger Focus, Renewable Fuels Agency The status of the above entities is as defined by the Office for National Statistics. The published data excludes personal data such as payroll and staff travel expenses.