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This self-assessment questionnaire generates an open data certificate and badge you can publish to tell people all about this open data. We also use your answers to learn how organisations publish open data.

When you answer these questions it demonstrates your efforts to comply with relevant legislation. You should also check which other laws and policies apply to your sector.

You do not need to answer all the questions to get a certificate. Just answer those you can.

Read more about Open Data Certificates

  • Please explain why this URL doesn't appear to be valid. This can help those using your data to understand it better.

  • Link to the dataset you are certifying. By dataset we mean the documentation or metadata that describes the data as well as a link to the data file itself. Dataset = data + metadata.

    If your data is stored in a CKAN repository (such as data.gov.uk), or marked up with DCAT, then we will attempt to automatically answer some of the questions for you in the next step. Read more...

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