Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
The dataset shows the interim projected household levels broken down by age. This dataset replaces the 2008-based household projections released in 2010. The household projections are produced by applying projected household representative rates to the population projections published by the Office for National Statistics. Projected household representative rates are based on trends observed in Census and Labour Force Survey data. The assumptions underlying national household and population projections are demographic trend based. They are not forecasts as they do not attempt to predict the impact that future government policies, changing economic circumstances or other factors might have on demographic behaviour. They provide the household levels and structures that would result if the assumptions based on previous demographic trends in the population and rates of household formation were to be realised in practice. Additional Information. This data is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet ( The original open data source can be found on the DCLG Open Data site - (
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds Inspired offers information on all-things-cultural in Leeds
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows primary school place allocations based on distance (in miles). Dataset Guidance Nearest: The furthest distance from which a pupil was admitted if it was their nearest school. Non nearest: The furthest distance from which a pupil was admitted if it was not their nearest school. Information Distances are measured using the midpoint of the main school building and the Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF) which creates a set of o/s coordinates for each property in Leeds and the surrounding area. These coordinates are unique to each individual property and are used to then measure the distance, in a straight line, from a property to the central point on the main school building. Please go to for further information.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds City Council and Sport England have teamed up to provide Leeds Let's Get Active, a programme of free gym and swim sessions at all Leeds City Council leisure centres, as well as beginner running, family sports activities and health walks in parks across Leeds. These datasets provide information on what activities are available and where. Did you know that Leeds Let’s Get Active is also available outside of local leisure centres? There are plenty of free activities available in local parks and community centres, including: Family activities Beginner running Beginner bootcamps Health walks Buggie walks All activities are free and open to all, so pull on some comfy clothes, pick up a bottle of water and join in the fun! For more information on our community activities, please call 0113 395 0001 or visit http:\ Further Information Sessions may be subject to change during school holidays Share your experiences and see what others are saying about their progression on Facebook/leedsletsgetactive and Twitter @leedsgetactive Access to a free LLGA sessions will only be permitted until 20 minutes prior to the end of the session
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Council tax charges information by property band
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds City Council publishes all payments to the 3rd sector which includes voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations. The information includes which service made the payment, who the receiving organisation was and how much the payment was for. Information This data is published on an annual basis in August/September for the previous financial year. Local Government Transparency Code 2014 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows all noise nuisance reports in office hours (08:00 - 18:00). These incidents are typically ongoing matters which once reported will be investigated. For Information LASBT ALMO & Tenancy Breach = noise nuisance relating to a property owned by Leeds City Council LASBT Private = noise nuisance relating to a non-council owned property Sr_Num = unique service request number Please note Commercial noise is handled by the Environmental Protection Team.
The Companies House API lets you retrieve information about limited companies (and other companies that fall within the Companies Act 2006). The data returned is live and real-time, and is simple to use and understand.
These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or serve hot food after 11pm (e.g. pubs, bars, takeaways, supermarkets and hotels).
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset shows the number and type of planning applications taken by the Leeds Authority and the time taken District level planning is undertaken by metropolitan and non-metropolitan districts, unitary authorities, national park authorities and urban development corporations. These authorities deal with all other planning applications that are not classified as county matters and mainly include applications for planning permissions on residential, offices, industrial, retail and householder developments. The coverage period is a rolling yearly period - starting from 1st September 2013 and ending 30th September 2013; then for a 12 month period from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013; and finally from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014. Addtional Information This data is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet ( The orginal open data source can be found on the DCLG Open Data Site - (
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset shows the number of dwellings in Leeds broken down by Environmental Impact rating per quarter. The environmental impact rating is a measure of a home’s impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The higher the rating the less impact it has on the environment. This rating is based on the performance of the building and its fixed services (such as heating and lighting). The certificate also lists the potential rating of the building if all the cost-effective measures were installed. An EPC for a dwelling will show both the current emissions and potential emissions impact of a property in terms of its energy rating. The energy rating chart is divided into seven bands ranging from A-G, with A being the most energy efficient and G being the least efficient. Each chart has a current and a potential energy rating out of a maximum of 100 points (being maximum efficiency). The statistics also include partial figures for Q3 2014. These have been included for reference purposes; however users should treat these as strictly provisional. The Q3 2014 figures will change in subsequent quarterly publications as the EPB Registers are updated with new EPCs and DECs. Additional Information The original source for this data can be found on the DCLG Open Data Portal -
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for example, loans of CDs, DVDs, talking books etc). Please also be aware that the figures are for the number of ‘issues’, as opposed to simply the number of books loaned. For example, if someone borrowed one book, but renewed it twice, this would count as three issues.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This shows all the Children's Centres in Leeds which are currently open. This dataset will be updated on an annual basis every June.
Data files that contain every fine issued for unauthorised vehicles being in bus lanes. The data contains date, time, location, fine issued, discount available, and total paid. Local Government Transparency Code 2014 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. Additional Info Please note, from Quarter 3 2014/15, the bus lane fines data has been divided in to a fines issued dataset and fines paid dataset. Definitions PCN - Penalty Charge Notice Issued - Date PCN was issued Fine - Initial full charge (does not include surcharges) Surcharges - If full payment not made within 56 days from the date the notice is issued the charge is further increased by 50% of the Initial charge. If the payment is still not made, within a further 14 days then a further charge may be applied if the case is registered at court. Dates - There can often be a delay between the actual issue date of the PCN and the date thaat the PCN is uploaded to the parking system. However, the issue date remains as the date the camera captures the contravention regardless of the date the PCN is uploaded. This delay can be as much as 14 days in some cases, Christmas close down is a prime example. Balance - Amount outstanding at date of sample, negative balance equals an overpayment
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Information on funerals organised by Leeds City Council due to circumstances such as no traceable next of kin, next of kin unable or prepared to organise or no-one able/available to fund the funeral. DATASET GUIDANCE Column 1: postcode of area of the last known address of the deceased. Column 2: Date of death. Column 3: Total cost of the funeral (not just the amount the council recovers, or the charge by the council). Column 4: Date the estate was referred to the Treasury Solicitor (the Treasury Solicitor is the Government department that deals with the estates of those who have no next of kin i.e. they try and trace a next of kin who may be entitled to inherit the estate).
This dataset shows premises Licences, club premises certificates and temporary event notices. Local Government Association/Open Data Institute Leeds City Council is participating in a scheme run by the LGA and ODI to standardise datasets from local authorities. Public toilets, premises licences, and planning datasets have been identified first to pilot this scheme.
Annual benefit claim figures Additional Information Please note the national Council Tax Benefit was replaced by Local Council Tax Support schemes from 1st April 2013. Further information about the Leeds scheme can be found at
Published By Leeds Data Mill
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds Data Mill's quarterly newsletter published by Leeds City Council's Open Data team.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset provides the results of the TdF social and economic impact survey, conducted during the Tour de France 2014. Please note We are aware of data quality errors in this dataset. This is currently under review. Any personal data collected has been removed and postcode restricted to district area. This is a one off publication and will only be updated to improve the quality of data.
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Leeds City Council publishes details of all officers earning over £50,000, including the top three tiers of its senior management. The top three tiers are regarded as the Chief Executive, Directors, and Chief Officers who report to a Director. If you have any queries relating to this dataset or wish to get in touch with one of the senior officers in the council, please email in the first instance. Local Government Transparency Code 2014 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. This dataset will be updated in September in line with the publication of the council's annual Statement of Accounts Please note: There are occasions where payment is made to individuals which may cross the ceiling threshold, where one of the following reasons may apply: Temporary payment (honoraria) for taking on extra duties or project work (e.g. Tour de France) for short periods One off payments connected with leaving employment under our Early Leavers Initiative
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with planning permission. It provides details on the size of sites, numbers of dwellings per site and whether the land is brownfield or greenfield. DATASET INFORMATION Site: Site reference number Planning Ref: Planning approval reference SHLAA Ref: Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment reference Status: C = current site Site area: Site area in hectares Perm area: Area of site with planning permission in hectares No perm area: Area of site with no planning permission in hectares Capacity: Total capacity of site in units None: Number of units without planning permission Outline: Number of outstanding units with outline planning permission Detailed: Number of outstanding units with detailed planning permission Started: Number of units started Complete: Number of units complete Under con: Number of units under construction Not yet started: Number of units not yet started Brown: Number of units on brownfield land Green: Number of units on greenfield land
Published By Useful Links
Issued over 9 years ago
The Environment Agency flood-monitoring API provides developers with access to real time information covering: flood warnings and flood alerts flood areas which to which warnings or alerts apply forecast of flood risks over the next three days measurements of water levels and flows information on the monitoring stations providing those measurements
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains information about some key items held by the council's Museums service. The council is currently working on a new 'Collections Online' website. The items listed in this dataset will appear on this new site.
Published By Department for Communities and Local Government
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset shows net additional dwellings for Leeds from 2004-05 to 2013-14. Net additions measures the absolute change in dwelling stock between 1 April and 31 March of the following year. The absolute change in the dwelling stock is the number of new house building completions plus any gains or losses through conversions, demolitions and changes of use (also referred to as Net supply of housing). All figures have been rounded to the nearest 10. 0 represents 0-4, the dwelling counts from the 2011 Census have been used to revise the net supply estimates from 2004-05 to 2010-11. The 2011/12 to 2013/14 figures are provisional and subject to scheduled revisions pending the release of future census dwelling stock data. Additional Information Housing Flows Reconciliation (HFR), the Greater London Authority and Regional Assembly joint returns. From 2000-01 to 2003-04, all local authorities submitted data to CLG through the Housing Flows Reconciliation (HFR) form. Following the abolition of the Regional Planning Bodies in 2010, local authorities in all regions except London have returned to submitting data via the HFR from 2009-10. Between 2004-05 and 2008-09 CLG worked jointly with Regional Planning bodies in the south and midlands on joint data returns in an attempt to ensure consistency between the net housing supply figures reported in regional Annual Monitoring Reports (AMRs) and those published by central government. This data was derived from Table 122, available for download as an Excel spreadsheet ( For fuller information please see the 'Net supply of housing in England,: 2013 to 2014' statistical release available in PDF format ( For the original open data source please go to the DCLG Open Data Hub - OpenDataCommunities(
Published By Leeds City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The following dataset provides a list of areas subscribed to Leeds Chamber Music, for all the latest on Leeds concerts. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information please visit: