Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
This Climate Data Record (CDR) contains the daily mean Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) time series in global 1 degree x 1 degree equal-angle gridded maps spanning from January 1, 1979 to December 31, 2013, and continuing daily with a two-day lag. The OLR is estimated directly from the HIRS radiance observations for all sky conditions. The observations from imagers onboard international operational geostationary satellites are incorporated to improve the sampling of the OLR diurnal variation. The Daily OLR CDR is at its initial version 1.2. The data file format is netCDF-4 with CF metadata, and it is accompanied by algorithm documentation, data flow diagram and source code for the NOAA CDR Program.
Published By Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Exports from Manufacturing Establishments includes estimates for the value of manufactured exports and related employment. Export estimates include both "direct" exports (exports manufactured in the United States and consumed in foreign markets) and supporting shipments (intermediate goods and services required to manufacture exported goods). The report includes estimates for state and national totals for direct exports, supporting shipments and related employment for the manufacturing sector. In addition, supporting employment outside the manufacturing sector associated with manufactured exports is provided.
Published By Department of Labor
Issued over 9 years ago
Labor force and unemployment estimates for States and local areas are developed by State employment security agencies to measure local labor market conditions under a Federal-State cooperative program. The Department of Labor develops the concepts, definitions and technicalprocedures which are used by State agencies for the preparation of labor force and unemployment estimates. These estimates are derived from a variety of sources including unemployment insurance claims and ratios reflecting historical relationships between covered unemployment and covered employment, and between entrants into the labor force and the experienced unemployed and experienced labor force.
Published By Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Issued over 9 years ago
A catalog of new nuclear power plant applications that the NRC expects to receive during each calendar year. This catalog shows the applicant's name, project or docket number, reactor design type, dates on which the NRC received and accepted the applicati
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued over 9 years ago
The primary objective of algorithm 3A25 is to compute various rainfall statistics over a month from the level 2 PR products. The statistics are derived at two spatial resolutions: (1) a standard space scale of 5 degrees by 5 degrees (latitude x longitude) cells and (2) a high resolution subset of 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree cells. The output variables include rainfall rate (mm/hour) profile at 2, 4, 6, 10, and 15 km, fractional rain, snow ice layer, and surface rain rate (mm/hour). The output statistics include probabilities of occurrence, means and standard deviations, histograms, and correlation coefficients. All statistics in 3A-25, except near-surface rain rate, are computed only when rain is judged in 1C-21 to be "certain." When rain is judged in 1C-21 to be "possible," the observation is treated as a "no-rain" observation. For the near-surface rain rate, the statistics (mean, standard deviation, and histogram) are computed for "rain-possible" as for the usual "rain-certain." Because the "rain-possible" cases are dominated by noise so that the probability of false-alarm is high, the "rain-certain" statistics should be considered as more representative of the TRMM radar data. Three types of rain rates are defined in 3A-25: (1) a "near-surface" rain rate that is obtained from the range bin closest to the surface which is not corrupted by the surface clutter, (2) a path-averaged rain rate calculated by summing the values from the storm top (first gate where rain is detected) to the last gate (gate nearest to the surface uncontaminated by surface clutter) and dividing by the number of gates in the interval, and (3) those at fixed heights above the ellipsoid (2, 4, 6, 10, and 15 km). Spatial coverage is between 40 degrees North and 40 degrees South, owing to the 35 degree inclination of the TRMM satellite. The data are stored in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). The low resolution grids are in the Planetary Grid 1 structure, and the high resolution grids are in the Planetary Grid 2 structure. The file size (one file per month) is about 16 MB (uncompressed). The description of file component objects can be obtained from Volume 4 - Levels 2 and 3 File Specifications provided by the TRMM Science Data and Information System (TSDIS): "". The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a joint U.S.-Japan satellite mission to monitor tropical and subtropical precipitation and to estimate its associated latent heating. TRMM was successfully launched on November 27, at 4:27 PM (EST) from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan. The TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR), the first of its kind in space, is an electronically scanning radar, operating at 13.8 GHz that measures the 3-D rainfall distribution over both land and ocean, and defines the layer depth of the precipitation.
Published By Department of Housing and Urban Development
Issued over 9 years ago
A Difficult Development Area (DDA) for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program is an area designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with high construction, land, and utility costs relative to its Area Median Gross Income (AMGI). All designated DDAs in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas (PMSA) may not contain more than 20% of the aggregate population of all MSAs/PMSAs, and all designated areas not in metropolitan areas may not contain more than 20% of the aggregate population of the non-metropolitan counties.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Tree ring data from the International Tree Ring Data Bank and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives. Data include raw treering measurements (most are annual ring width, with some collections of earlywood or latewood width or wood density), plus chronologies (standardized growth indices for a site compiled from multiple treering samples). Each data type is stored in a separate data file; the data type is coded into the file name. For details please visit:
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
A list of a variety of averages for each state or territory as well as the national average, including each quality measure, staffing, fine amount and number of deficiencies. Each row displays a specific state or territory, the associated measure and average.
Published By Department of Agriculture
Issued over 9 years ago
The agricultural baseline database provides longrun, 10-year projections from USDA's annual long-term projections report. The database covers projections for major field crops (corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, soybeans, and upland cotton), and livestock (beef, pork, poultry and eggs, and dairy).
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued over 9 years ago
To provide the public with a geographic interface into Envirofacts data. Envirofacts includes information from a variety of EPA programs, including air, water, superfund, hazardous waste.
Published By Department of Labor
Issued over 9 years ago
The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system is used by Federal statistical agencies to classify workers into occupational categories for the purpose of collecting, calculating, or disseminating data. All workers are classified into one of over 820 occupations according to their occupational definition.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
USCRN "Processed" Data (labeled as "uscrn-processed"): are interpreted values and derived geophysical parameters with other quality indicators processed from raw data (both Datalogger files and/or Raw Data from GOES and NOAAPort) by the USCRN Team. Climate variable types include air temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, soil temperature, surface temperature, wetness, global solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind at 1.5 m above the ground. Many additional engineering variables are also available. These data have been decoded, quality-flagged, and processed into level 1 hourly data (the only applied quality control is rounding some values as they enter the database), and includes additional calculated values such as precipitation (5-minute and hourly), hourly maximum temperature, hourly minimum temperature, average temperature (5-minute and hourly), soil moisture (volumetric water content, 5-minute values at the 5 cm depth and and hourly values at all depths) for all dielectric values in range, layer average soil moisture (5 minute and hourly), and layer average soil temperature (5 minute and hourly). It is the general practice of USCRN to not calculate derived variables if the input data to these calculations are flagged. These data records are versioned based on the processing methods and algorithms used for the derivations (versions are noted within the data netCDF file), and data are updated when the higher quality raw data become available from stations' datalogger storage (Datalogger Files).
Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
The Digital Geologic Map of Glacier National Park, Montana is comprised of GIS data layers, two ancillary GIS tables, a Windows Help File with ancillary map text, figures and tables, GIS data layer and table FGDC metadata and ArcView 3.X legend (.AVL) files. The data were completed as a component of the Geologic Resources Evaluation (GRE) program, a National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) funded program that is administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). All GIS and ancillary tables were produced as per the NPS GIS-Geology Coverage/Shapefile Data Model (available at: The GIS data is available as coverage and table export (.E00) files, and as a shapefile (.SHP) and DBASEIV (.DBF) table files. The GIS data projection is NAD83, UTM Zone 12N. That data is within the area of interest of Glacier National Park.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
This table contains data on the percent of population aged 16 years or older whose commute to work is 10 or more minutes/day by walking or biking for California, its regions, counties, and cities/towns. Data is from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, and from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and National Household Travel Survey. The table is part of a series of indicators in the Healthy Communities Data and Indicators Project of the Office of Health Equity ( Active modes of transport, bicycling and walking alone and in combination with public transit, offer opportunities to incorporate physical activity into the daily routine. Physical activity is associated with lowering rates of heart disease and stroke, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, dementia and depression. Automobile commuting is associated with health hazards, such as air pollution, motor vehicle crashes, pedestrian injuries and fatalities, and sedentary lifestyles. Consequently the transition from automobile-focused transport to public and active transport offers environmental health benefits, including reductions in air pollution, greenhouse gases and noise pollution, and may lead to greater overall safety in transportation. More information about the data table and a data dictionary can be found in the About/Attachments section.
Published By Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Issued over 9 years ago
This spreadsheet contains a list of multiemployer plans receiving financial assistance payments from the Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation from the period 2005 through 2009
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset is the digital hydrologic unit boundary layer for the 8-digit subwatershed boundaries for the conterminous United States. This dataset is intended to be used with the following two tabular dBase files: and The two tabular datasets contain the Tillage Practices in the Conterminous United States, 1989-2004---Datasets Aggregated by Watershed. This dataset and the two tabular datasets can be linked using the common attribute HUC8_N. Information about how the tabular data and geospatial data can be related are given in the data series report: .The original dataset is the 12-digit Subwatershed boundaries (WBD_archive_17nov2009_9.2_file). The 12-digit boundaries were dissolved to 8-digit boundaries to be used with the two tabular .dbase data files containing the tillage practice data for the United States. ORIGINAL METADATA: This data set is a complete digital hydrologic unit boundary layer to the Subwatershed (12-digit) 6th level for the entire United States. This data set consists of geo-referenced digital data and associated attributes created in accordance with the "Federal Guidelines, Requirements, and Procedures for the National Watershed Boundary Dataset; Chapter 3 of Section A, Federal Standards, Book 11, Collection and Delineation of Spatial Data; Techniques and Methods 11-A3" (04/01/2009). . Polygons are attributed with hydrologic unit codes for 4th level sub-basins, 5th level watersheds, 6th level subwatersheds, name, size, downstream hydrologic unit, type of watershed, non-contributing areas and flow modification.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset replaces the previous Time Bias Corrected Divisional Temperature-Precipitation Drought Index. The new divisional data set (nCLIMDIV) is based on the Global Historical Climatological Network-Daily (GHCN-D) and makes use of several improvements to the previous data set. For the input data, improvements include additional station networks, quality assurance reviews and temperature bias adjustments. Perhaps the most extensive improvement is to the computational approach, which now employs climatologically aided interpolation. This 5km grid based calculation nCLIMGRID helps to address topographic and network variability. This data set is primarily used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) to issue State of the Climate Reports on a monthly basis. These reports summarize recent temperature and precipitation conditions and long-term trends at a variety of spatial scales, the smallest being the climate division level. Data at the climate division level are aggregated to compute statewide, regional and national snapshots of climate conditions. For CONUS, the period of record is from 1895-present. Derived quantities such as Standardized precipitation Index (SPI), Palmer Drought Indices (PDSI, PHDI, PMDI, and ZNDX) and degree days are also available for the CONUS sites. In March 2015, data for thirteen Alaskan climate divisions were added to the nCLIMDIV data set. Data for the new Alaskan climate divisions begin in 1925 through the present and are included in all nCLIMDIV monthly updates. Alaskan climate data include the following elements for divisional and statewide coverage: average temperature, maximum temperature (highs), minimum temperature (lows), and precipitation. The Alaska nCLIMDIV data were created and updated using similar methodology as that for the CONUS, but with a different approach to establishing the underlying climatology. The Alaska data are built upon the 1971-2000 PRISM averages whereas the CONUS values utilize a base climatology derived from the nCLIMGRID data set.
Published By Department of Veterans Affairs
Issued over 9 years ago
As of June 28, 2010, the Master Veteran Index (MVI) database based on the enhanced Master Patient Index (MPI) is the authoritative identity service within the VA, establishing, maintaining and synchronizing identities for VA clients, Veterans and beneficiaries. The MVI includes authoritative sources for health identity data and contains over 17 million patient entries populated from all VHA facilities nationwide. The MVI provides the access point mechanism for linking patient's information to enable an enterprise-wide view of patient information, uniquely identifies all active patients who have been admitted, treated, or registered in any VHA facility, and assigns a unique identifier to the patient. The MVI correlates a patient's identity across the enterprise, including all VistA systems and external systems, such as Department of Defense (DoD) and the Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN). The MVI facilitates the sharing of health information, resulting in coordinated and integrated health care for Veterans. New Information Technology systems must be interoperable with the MVI and legacy systems will establish integration by October 1, 2012. The Healthcare Identity Management (HC IdM) Team within VHA's Data Quality Program is the steward of patient identity data, performing maintenance and support activities.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Numbered series of NOAA publications that contain environmental information climate summaries and station normals. Each series contains a volume for each state, climate division, or station. Series that are or would be found in this library are as follows: -- No. 10: Climatic Summary of the United States, establishment of stations to 1930, by climate division -- No. 11: Climatic Summary of the United States-Supplement for 1931-52, by state -- No. 20: Monthly Station Climate Summaries for 1971-2000. Station summaries of particular interest to agriculture, industry, and engineering applications. These summaries contain a variety of statistics for temperature, precipitation, snow, freeze dates, and degree day elements for 4,273 stations. -- No. 20: Station Climatological Summaries, station list through 1985. -- No. 20: Supplement 1: Frost/Freeze Data. -- No. 30: Summary of Hourly Observations, data 1949-55 (varies), by station. -- No. 60: Climates of the States, published 1960, by state. -- No. 81: Decennial Census of United States Climate - Monthly Normals of Temperature, Precipitation, and Heating and Cooling Degree Days, by state, reused for 30 year periods 1931-60 thru 1971-2000, by station. -- No. 81: Supplement 1: Monthly Precipitation Probabilities. -- No. 81: Supplement 2: Annual Degree Days to Selected Bases. -- No. 82: Decennial Census of United States Climate - Summary of Hourly Observations 1951-1960, by station. -- No. 84: Daily Station Normals of Temperature, Precipitation and Heating and Cooling Degree Days, by station. -- No. 85: Monthly Divisional Normals and Standard Deviations of Temperature, Precipitation, and Heating and Cooling Degree Days, by climate division. -- No. 86: Decennial Census of United States Climate - Climatic Summary of the U.S. 1951-1960, by state. -- No. 90: Airport Climatological Summary, 1965-1974, by station.
Published By General Services Administration
Issued over 9 years ago
The Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) Next Generation has been re-engineered as a real-time federal enterprise information system. Web services based on SOAP and XML, implemented using Java technologies, are used in FPDS-NG to provide interoperability with various federal procurement systems
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
These data are a digital version of U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1183, Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States. The map and digital data delineate areas in the conterminous United States where large numbers of landslides have occurred and areas which are susceptible to landsliding. Because the data are highly generalized, owing to the small scale and the scarcity of precise landslide information for much of the country, they are unsuitable for local planning or actual site selection. This National Atlas map layer was previously distributed as Digital Representation of the Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Monthly Summaries of Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)-Daily is a dataset derived from GHCN-Daily. The data are produced by computing simple averages or monthly accumulations of the daily observations. The meteorological elements calculated for the data set include, but are not limited to: monthly maximum and minimum temperature, monthly precipitation (i.e., rainfall and snow water equivalent), snowfall and snow depth. Users of these monthly summaries have access to simple meteorological summaries for tens of thousands of stations worldwide.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
This map layer shows crime statistics for the United States for the years 1994-2000, drawn from the Uniform Crime Reporting Program data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and archived at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Crime data are reported by county and are provided for eight crimes: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Statewide allocation data are not included in this map layer. Crime data are adjusted to compensate for incomplete reporting by individual law enforcement agencies. See the online codebook at for more information. This is an update of the January 2003, map layer; fields for the above crime statistics, normalized by crime population, have been added.
Published By Department of Transportation
Issued over 9 years ago
National Park Service unit boundaries (NTAD 2015). These park boundaries signify legislative boundary definitions and local park names have been consolidated according to the legislation.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
Open Payments (otherwise known as the Sunshine Act) - Open Payments is a Congressionally-mandated transparency program that increases awareness of financial relationships between the health care industry and physicians by collecting and reporting any payments or transfers of value medical manufacturers make to physicians or teaching hospitals.