Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
As part of the Obama Administrations efforts to make our healthcare system more transparent, affordable, and accountable, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has prepared a public data set, the Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data - Part D Prescriber Public Use File (PUF), with information on the prescription drugs that individual physicians and other health care providers prescribed in 2013 under the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program.
Published By Department of Defense
Issued over 9 years ago
National Defense Budget Estimates for the FY 2015 Budget (Green Book). Summary reference source for the National Defense budget estimates for FY 2015.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
This dataset contains the estimated percent of California adults (18 and older) with lifetime and current asthma (asthma prevalence), by year. The data are derived from the California Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). These data are based on self-report from telephone surveys and are subject to bias and low response rates.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued over 9 years ago
The Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) measures - state data. These measures are developed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and collected through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). They provide information on infections that occur while the patient is in the hospital. These infections can be related to devices, such as central lines and urinary catheters, or spread from patient to patient after contact with an infected person or surface. Many healthcare associated infections can be prevented when the hospitals use CDC-recommended infection control steps.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
A shapefile of 311 undersea features from all major oceans and seas has been created as an aid for retrieving georeferenced information resources. The geographic extent of the shapefile is 0 degrees E to 0 degrees W longitude and 75 degrees S to 90 degrees N latitude. Many of the undersea features (UF) in the shapefile were selected from a list assembled by Weatherall and Cramer (2008) in a report from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) to the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN). Annex II of the Weatherall and Cramer report (p. 20-22) lists 183 undersea features that "may need additional points to define their shape" and includes online links to additional BODC documents providing coordinate pairs sufficient to define detailed linestrings for these features. For the first phase of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) project, Wingfield created polygons for 87 of the undersea features on the BODC list, using the linestrings as guides; the selected features were primarily ridges, rises, trenches, fracture zones, basins, and seamount chains. In the second phase of the USGS project, Wingfield and Hartwell created polygons for an additional 224 undersea features, mostly basins, abyssal plains, and fracture zones. Because USGS is a Federal agency, the attribute tables follow the conventions of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) GEOnet Names Server ().
Published By Department of Transportation
Issued over 9 years ago
The public use waybill sample provides a cleansed version of the waybill sample for public use. The sensitive shipping and revenue data is removed.
Published By Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
Federal Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Production Statistics by month and summarized annually. Outer Continental Shelf consists of Gulf of Mexico, Pacific and Alaska regions
Published By Department of the Treasury
Issued over 9 years ago
Enterprise Dataset metadata information.
Published By Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
This data set contains OCS block outlines (clipped) to the GOM Planning Area Boundary in ArcGIS shape file format for the BOEM Gulf of Mexico Region. OCS blocks are used to define small geographic areas within an Official Protraction Diagram (OPD) for leasing and administrative purposes. These blocks have been clipped along the Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary and along the Continental Shelf Boundaries. Additional details are available from: the block polygons clipped on the fedstate (SLA-boundary) as of March 15, 2013. Used ArcCatalog to create shape files. Shape files put at \\imsnolna04\le\shared\GISPublicInfo.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
The geospatial data of this layer is comprised of elevation contours derived from 1/3 arc-second National Elevation Dataset (NED) data.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
We have completed an array of high-resolution simulations of present and future climate over Western North America (WNA) and Eastern North America (ENA) by dynamically downscaling global climate simulations using a regional climate model, RegCM3. The simulations are intended to provide long time series of internally consistent surface and atmospheric variables for use in climate-related research. In addition to providing high-resolution weather and climate data for the past, present, and future, we have developed an integrated data flow and methodology for processing, summarizing, viewing, and delivering the climate datasets to a wide range of potential users. Our simulations were run over 50- and 15-kilometer model grids in an attempt to capture more of the climatic detail associated with processes such as topographic forcing than can be captured by general circulation models (GCMs). The simulations were run using output from four GCMs. All simulations span the present (for example, 1968 to 1999), common periods of the future (2040 to 2069), and two simulations continuously cover 2010 to 2099. The trace gas concentrations in our simulations were the same as those of the GCMs: the IPCC 20th century time series for 1968 to 1999 and the A2 time series for simulations of the future. We demonstrate that RegCM3 is capable of producing present day annual and seasonal climatologies of air temperature and precipitation that are in good agreement with observations. Important features of the high-resolution climatology of temperature, precipitation, snow water equivalent (SWE), and soil moisture are consistently reproduced in all model runs over WNA and ENA. The simulations provide a potential range of future climate change for selected decades and display common patterns of the direction and magnitude of changes. As expected, there are some model to model differences that limit interpretability and give rise to uncertainties. Here, we provide background information about the GCMs and the RegCM3, a basic evaluation of the model output and examples of simulated future climate. We also provide information needed to access the web applications for visualizing and downloading the data, and give complete metadata that describe the variables in the datasets.
Published By Department of Housing and Urban Development
Issued over 9 years ago
The 2001 Residential Finance Survey (RFS) was sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and conducted by the Census Bureau. The RFS is a follow-on survey to the 2000 decennial census designed to collect, process, and produce information about the financing of all nonfarm, residential properties. The 1991 data is also available
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Earthquakes represent one of the most destructive natural hazards known to man. A serious result of large-magnitude earthquakes is the disruption of transportation systems, which limits post-disaster emergency response. Damage to transportation systems is categorized in this set of images by cause including: ground failure, faulting, vibration damage, and tsunamis. This set of slides depicts earthquake damage to streets, highways, bridges, overpasses, and railroads. Earthquakes in Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Armenia, and the United States are represented.A large magnitude earthquake near a populated area can affect residents over thousands of square kilometers and cause billions of dollars in property damage. Such an event can kill or injure thousands of residents disrupt the socioeconomic environment for months, sometimes years. A serious result of a large-magnitude earthquake is the disruption oftransportation systems, which limits post-disaster emergency response. Movement of emergency vehicles, such as police cars, fire trucks and ambulances, is often severely restricted. Damage to transportation systems is categorized below by cause including: ground failure, faulting, vibration damage, and tsunamis. Ground Failure - A principal cause of earthquake damage to transportation systems is seismically generated ground failures in the form of landslides, lateral spreads, differential settlements, and ground cracks. During strong ground shaking, areas of clay-free sands and silts (where groundwater is near the surface) can temporarily lose strength and behave as viscous fluids. Consequently, highways and railways may settle or tilt in the liquefied soil, or are ripped apart as the ground flows or spreads laterally. Ground failure can cause movement of large blocks of soil on top of a liquefied subsurface. The lateral spreads, which break up into many fissures and scarps, usually develop on gentle slopes. In the 1964 Alaska earthquake, lateral spread failures damaged streets and highways, and restricted the use of railway grades and bridges. Ground failure also can dislodge rock and debris on steep slopes, triggering rockfalls, avalanches, and earth slides. The dislodged material is deposited on highways and railways, blocking traffic for hours or days.Faulting - Earthquake surface faults sometimes cross highways and railroads. Where this occurs, the roadbed may shift in the horizontal or vertical plane, or Roadway buckling sometimes results from ground shortening where thrust faulting occurs, and distortion can result from drag rebound or from concealed, closely spaced fractures.
Published By Department of Agriculture
Issued over 9 years ago
The Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database provides food price data to support research on the economic determinants of food consumption, diet quality, and health outcomes.
USGS High Resolution Orthoimagery Collection - Current - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) High Resolution Orthoimagery
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
USGS high resolution orthorectified images from The National Map combine the image characteristics of an aerial photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. An orthoimage is a uniform-scale image where corrections have been made for feature displacement such as building tilt and for scale variations caused by terrain relief, sensor geometry, and camera tilt. A mathematical equation based on ground control points, sensor calibration information, and a digital elevation model is applied to each pixel to rectify the image to obtain the geometric qualities of a map. A digital orthoimage may be created from several photographs mosaicked to form the final image. The source imagery may be black-and-white, natural color, color infrared, or color near infrared (4-band) with a pixel resolution of 1-meter or finer. With orthoimagery, the resolution refers to the distance on the ground represented by each pixel. There is no image overlap between adjacent files. Data received at EROS were reprojected from source projection to a standard utm projection and resolution resampled to align to the U.S. National Grid (USNG) using The National Map. The naming convention is based on the USNG, taking the coordinates of the SW corner of the orthoimage. The metadata were imported and updated for display through The National Map at Image-level metadata are provided in HTML and XML format. Data were compressed utilizing IAS software. The compression was JPEG2000 Lossy Compressed. The file format created was .jp2.
Published By Information Sharing Environment
Issued over 9 years ago
This is a survey of federal departments and agencies who share terrorism information and are therefore considered part of the Information Sharing Environment. The ISE Performance Framework allows us to assess improvements to the nation's ability to detect, analyze, and respond to terrorism, WMD, and homeland security threats. The goals and sub-goals in the framework are aligned to the White House's strategic guidance, priorities, and to the required ISE attributes in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Section 1016(b)(2). This year's data is a survey of Air Force Intelligence; Central Intelligence Agency; Department of Commerce; Department of Defense; Department of Energy; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Homeland Security; Department of Interior; Department of Justice; Department of State; Department of Transportation; Department of the Treasury; National Geospatial Agency; National Reconnaissance Office; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Acquisition, Technology, and Facilities; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Office of the Chief Information Officer; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Civil Liberties and Privacy Office; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Deputy Director for Intelligence Integration; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - National Counterterrorism Center; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Systems, Resources, and Analysis; Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Mission Support Division; and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence - Policy & Strategy.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
This map layer contains tree canopy data for Alaska, in an Albers Equal-Area Conic projection and at a resolution of 100 meters. The tree canopy data were derived from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 percent tree canopy data set, a product of the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC). The MRLC is a multi-agency cooperative effort to study land cover change. The NLCD 2001 is described at .
Published By Department of Energy
Issued over 9 years ago
These data list total primary energy consumption by country and region in Quadrillion Btu. Figures are annual totals for the years 1980 through 2008, from EIA's International Energy Statistics site circa 2010.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
USCRN Monthly Products are available on public FTP and derived from the USCRN processed data. Monthly products include averages and calculated values for precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, and surface temperature on a monthly time scale. Other products are available from USCRN, including sub-hourly, hourly, and daily products. It is the general practice of USCRN to not calculate derived variables if the input data to these calculations are flagged. These data records are versioned based on the processing methods and algorithms used for the derivations, and data are updated when the higher quality raw data become available from stations' datalogger storage (Datalogger Files).
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2012, Series Information File for the nation, Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA) National
Published By US Census Bureau, Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line shapefile is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas are together termed Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) and are defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and consist of the county or counties or equivalent entities associated with at least one urban core (urbanized area or urban cluster) of at least 10,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured through commuting ties with the counties containing the core. Categories of CBSAs are: Metropolitan Statistical Areas, based on urbanized areas of 50,000 or more population, and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, based on urban clusters of at least 10,000 population but less than 50,000 population. The CBSAs for the 2010 Census are those defined by OMB and published in December 2009.
Published By Department of Transportation
Issued over 9 years ago
State boundaries with shorelines cut in (NTAD 2015). The State Boundary with Detailed Shorelines database was created using TIGER/LINE 2011 shapefile data gathered from ESRI's Geography Network. The individual county shapefiles were processed into Arc/Info coverages and then appended together to create complete state coverages. OST-R/BTS Hydrographic data was integrated to create detailed shorelines. The TIGER/Line Files are shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) that are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line File is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. States and equivalent entities are the primary governmental divisions of the United States. In addition to the fifty States, the Census Bureau treats the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and each of the Island Areas (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) as the statistical equivalents of States for the purpose of data presentation.
Published By Department of Commerce
Issued over 9 years ago
Provides an early indication of sales of retail and food service companies throughout the United States.
Published By Department of the Treasury
Issued over 9 years ago
Migration flow data (based on year-to-year changes in individual tax return addresses) provide data on the number of returns, number of exemptions, and aggregate adjusted gross income at the state and county level.
Published By General Services Administration
Issued over 9 years ago
The Product Service Codes (PSC) and North American Industrial Classification Systems (NAICS) are the two methods that the Federal government classifies contracts. They are used as a mechanism to identify scope of the products and services and business segment covered under the award. This data can be used as a mechanism to understand the scope of GSA programs. This can be used as means to identify best fit. While a GSA contract can offer great opportunities for many businesses, the process of applying for that contract will take a significant amount of time and resources. Understanding best GSA contract for your products and services is a preliminary step to take prior to responding to a GSA solicitation.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued over 9 years ago
This map layer shows elevation contour lines for Alaska. The map layer was derived from the 100-meter resolution elevation data set which is published by the National Atlas of the United States, and is in the same Albers Equal-area Conic projection as that source data set. Contour intervals match the steps used in the National Atlas Color-Sliced Elevation data sets. Contours were adjusted so that they are in the proper relationship to National Atlas 1:1,000,000-scale lakes, reservoirs, and wide (double-line) streams.