Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This report is on the geology of the Arctic National Wildlife Range western boundary. The Canning River region and Southern Brooks range are both analyzed, including surficial and engineering geology.
Published By Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Issued about 9 years ago
Recent developments in digital terrain and geospatial database management technology make it possible to protect this investment for existing and future projects to a much greater extent than was possible in the past. The minimum requirement for hydraulics data includes input and output files for all hydraulic models and spatial datasets that are needed to implement the models. (Source: FEMA Guidelines and Specs, Appendix N)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Real-Time XBT Data assembled by US NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) and submitted, 01/03/2005 - 01/09/2005 (NODC Accession 0001967)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
These data represent data collected from the Shipboard Environmental (data) Acquisition System (SEAS), a program developed by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide accurate meteorological and oceanographic data in real time from ships at sea through the use of satellite data transmission techniques. The system transmits data through either the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) or the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT C) satellites to NOAA for use in weather, climatological and ocean models. NOAA is actively participating in an international effort to increase the number of subsurface temperature observations in support of global oceanographic and climate studies. NOAA's Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) program, SEAS, currently supports about 80 Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS). SEAS XBT data are archived by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) on a weekly basis.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
Tunable laser spectrometers are used by NASA for investigations of planetary atmospheric constituent gases. The availability of widely tunable long-wavelength (3 to 12?Ym) lasers operating at room temperature would allow such spectrometers to a wider range of gas species detection sensitivity increased by orders-of-magnitude relative to near-infrared lasers currently used in these applications. Aculight proposes to demonstrate a novel mid-infrared laser technology capable of room temperature operation at any wavelength between 2 and 17?Ym. We will demonstrate, for the first time, continuous wave optical parametric oscillation in the new nonlinear material, orientation-patterned Gallium Arsenide (OP-GaAs) and show that it can be pumped by low cost, compact fiber-based sources developed for the telecommunications industry.
Utilities:Other:Utilities at Pipe Spring National Monument, Arizona (Utilities.gdb:Other:utilpnt_other)
Published By National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This feature class represents various types of utilities, not including water- and power-related utilities, at Pipe Spring National Monument, Arizona. The utilities were collected using Trimble Global Positioning System (GPS) units and post-processed in GPS Pathfinder Office.
Delayed XBT Data assembled by US NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) and submitted the months of November 2004 and October 2005 (NODC Accession 0002432)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
XBT data were collected from MULTIPLE PLATFORMS from a World-Wide distribution. Data were collected by the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) from 24 August 2004 to 21 October 2005. Data were collected in support of the Global Temperature-Salinity Pilot Project (GTSPP), and the NOAA Shipboard Environmental Data Acquisition System Program (SEAS)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Rose Atoll, site 23P 14 32.538S, 168 10.341W, between 21 and 22 meters along a permanent transect.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
NASA has numerous requirements for in-space repair capabilities to aid future missions beyond earth orbit. A subset of these requirements is adhesive patch materials that provide permanent or temporary repair of a wide variety of surfaces with minimal surface preparation. Prior work on light (UV and visible) curing composite matrix resins for rigidizing inflatable spacecraft shows that there is an opportunity to use similar technology for in-space repair kits. Light curing provides a controlled, clean, low power rigidization technology to harden repair patches. Rapid cure at low temperatures (-20?aC) has been demonstrated with these specialty resins. They are also low outgassing, 100 percent solids materials with no hazardous ingredients. Repair kits for light-curing tape can be tailored for a wide range of applications. This concept for !?structural duct tape!? provides a means of producing glass fabric repair patches impregnated with safe, visible light-curing resins that cure rapidly with low power using hand held light emitting diode (LED) arrays or similar light sources. The tape will be housed in a light and radiation resistant, easy to use dispenser. A companion battery powered LED array will complete the kit. Surface cleaning materials can also be included.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
This model product contains the source code for the Ecosystem Demography Model (ED version 1.0) as well as model input and output data files for the conterminous United States. The ED is a mechanistic ecosystem model built around established sub-models of leaf level physiology, organic matter decomposition, hydrology, and functional biodiversity. It was used herein to estimate ecosystem carbon stocks and fluxes in the conterminous U.S. at 1.0 degree resolution from 1700 to 1990. Output data of carbon stocks and fluxes are stored in NetCDF format. To produce the U.S. scenario, ED was run from an estimated state of ecosystems in the year 1700 to an estimated state of ecosystems in the year 1990 for each 1 degree by 1 degree grid cell through time using ISLSCP Initiative I climate and soil data and a gridded land-use history reconstruction as inputs (Hurtt et al., 2002). The land-use history was based on several sources including: spatial distribution of potential vegetation in 1700, spatial patterns of cropland from 1700 to 1990, regional estimates of land use and logging from 1700 to 1990, and U.S. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data on the current age distribution of forest stands. The Miami Land Use History Model (Miami-LU), a far simpler empirically-based ecosystem model, was used to track the history of disturbance, land use, fire, and ecosystem recovery. The effects of fire suppression were also included. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climatic conditions were held constant throughout the runs to focus on the consequences of land-use and fire-management changes on carbon stocks and fluxes.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Oceanographic data collected during the EX1404L3 (Northeast Seamounts and Canyons) expedition on the NOAA Ship OKEANOS EXPLORER in the North Atlantic Ocean from September 16, 2014 - October 17, 2014 (NODC Accession 0123118)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Leg III of EX1404 will concentrate on mapping and exploring the New England Seamount Chain using a combination of ROV operations during the day and CTD/Rosette operations in the evening and overnight. Mapping operations will include subbottom data collection over key features, multibeam data collection over canyon heads requiring coverage development, and holiday lines completing previous multibeam data coverages.
DEPTH - OBSERVATION and Other Data from ERNEST KRENKEL and Other Platforms From North Atlantic Ocean from 19750625 to 19891103 (NODC Accession 9900133)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Narrative report Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge Dugway, UT for the period January - February - March - April, 1963
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This narrative report for Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge outlines Refuge accomplishments from January through April of 1963. The report begins by summarizing the weather conditions, habitat conditions, water conditions, and food and cover during this period. Wildlife including migratory birds, furbearers, predators, rodents, mammals, raptors, reptiles, and disease is also covered. The Refuge development and maintenance section discusses physical developments, plantings, collections and receipts, and vegetation control. Resource management is outlined; topics include fur harvesting, peat mining, and frog farming. A progress report on field investigations and applied research is also provided. The public relations section of the report describes recreational uses, Refuge visitors, Refuge participation, and safety. Items of interest, NR forms, and photographs are attached.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the premise that invertebrate species diversity and abundance increases significantly following a draw down, burn, and reflood cycle. The general trend of the data support the hypothesis that periodic draw downs coupled with burning are a highly beneficial technique for marsh managment, providing an increase in quality habitat for wetland birds.
k177ar.m77t - MGD77 data file for Geophysical data from field activity K-1-77-AR in Beaufort Sea, Arctic from 07/15/1977 to 08/25/1977
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Single-beam bathymetry data along with DGPS navigation data was collected as part of field activity K-1-77-AR in Beaufort Sea, Arctic from 07/15/1977 to 08/25/1977, The geophysical source was a Knudsen 12 kHz 320B/R echosounder. These data are reformatted from space-delimited ASCII text files located in the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) InfoBank field activity catalog at into MGD77T format provided by the NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center(NGDC). The MGD77T format includes a header (documentation) file (.h77t) and a data file (.m77t). More information regarding this format can be found in the publication listed in the Cross_reference section of this metadata file.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
Onemetersquare 1 meter x 1 meter benthic substrate at Rose Atoll, site 9P 14 33.075S, 168 09.622W, between 6 and 7 meters along a permanent transect.
Published By Federal Laboratory Consortium
Issued about 9 years ago
Maui Hyperspectral Imagery 2000 (307-0618-332211) - Visual Interpretation from Remote Sensing Imagery Main Eight Hawaiian Islands
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
This project is a cooperative effort between the National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, the University of Hawaii, and Analytical Laboratories of Hawaii, LLC. The goal of the work was to develop coral reef mapping methods and compare benthic habitat maps generated by photointerpreting georeferenced color aerial photography, hyperspectral and IKONOS satellite imagery. The enhanced spectral resolution of hyperspectral and control of bandwidths of multispectral data yield an advantage over color aerial photography particularly when coral health and time series analysis of coral reef community structure are of interest. Depending on the type of instrument, a spectral imaging system can be utilized to see multiple colors from ultraviolet through the far infrared range. The AURORA hyperspectral imaging system collected 72 ten nm bands in the visible and near infrared spectral range with a 3 meter pixel resolution. The data was processed to select band widths, which optimized feature detection in shallow and deep water. Photointerpreters can accurately and reliably delineate boundaries of features in the imagery as they appear on the computer monitor using a software interface such as the Habitat Digitizer.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The purpose of this report is to create a baseline inventory of all nonmotorized trails on Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge. Trails in this inventory are eligible for funding under the Federal Lands Transportation Program MAP21. The report describes all the attributes e.g., location, surface type, condition, distance of trails in the FWS asset inventory.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
ABSTRACT: NPP, biomass dynamics, climate, soils
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This annual narrative report for Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge outlines Refuge accomplishments during the 1967 calendar year. The report begins by summarizing the weather conditions and food and cover conditions during the year. Wildlife including migratory birds, upland game birds, big game animals, predators, rodents, mammals, raptors, fish, reptiles, and diseases is also covered. The Refuge development and maintenance section discusses physical developments, plantings, collections and receipts, vegetation control, and wildfires. Resource management is outlined; topics include grazing, haying, fur harvesting, timber removal, and commercial fishing. A progress report on field investigations and applied research is also provided. The public relations section of the report describes recreational uses, Refuge visitors, Refuge participation, hunting, violations, and safety. Items of interest are attached