Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This shapefile contains polylines that describe isopachs of the Hauterivian Qezeltash formation in northern Afghanistan. Hauterivian sandstones are a reservoir rock of the Jurassic subsalt petroleum systems of the Afghan-Tajik and Amu Darya basins.
National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - East Coast Mesozoic Basins of the Piedmont, Blue Ridge Thrust Belt, Atlantic Coastal Plain, and New England Provinces Assessment Units
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-level Total Petroleum System. The Assessment Unit is shown here as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates a set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties within the Total Petroleum System, such as source rock, timing, migration pathways, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. The Assessment Unit boundary is defined geologically as the limits of the geologic elements that define the Assessment Unit, such as limits of reservoir rock, geologic structures, source rock, and seal lithologies. The only exceptions to this are Assessment Units that border the Federal-State water boundary. In these cases, the Federal-State water boundary forms part of the Assessment Unit boundary.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This shapefile includes anticlines and synclines of the Lower White River coal field. Nominal map scale is 500,000. The original digital source data for this shapefile was the digital geologic map of Colorado.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-level Total Petroleum System. The Assessment Unit is shown here as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates a set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties within the Total Petroleum System, such as source rock, timing, migration pathways, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. The Assessment Unit boundary is defined geologically as the limits of the geologic elements that define the Assessment Unit, such as limits of reservoir rock, geologic structures, source rock, and seal lithologies. The only exceptions to this are Assessment Units that border the Federal-State water boundary. In these cases, the Federal-State water boundary forms part of the Assessment Unit boundary.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The structure contours were created using biostratigraphic data in the Paleo-Data, Inc., Tenroc Regional Geologic Database. The depths of the microfossil locations were associated with the wells data provided by the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. Because of the proprietary nature of the Tenroc database, no actual data can be shown and only those data points contained in the Louisiana State wells database are included in the control points layer. Contouring was accomplished in Dynamic Graphics, Inc., EarthVision modeling software (v.5) using minimum tension gridding. Three custom programs were used to convert contour lines generated from grids in EarthVision to Arc/Info coverages and then to shapefiles. The data are provided as both lines and polygons (mmtoplg.shp and mmtoppg.shp), and the public wells that penetrate the top of the Middle Miocene (MM) sequence are provided in a point shapefile (mmtopptg.shp). These datasets contain basic data and interpretations developed and compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey's Framework Studies and Assessment of the Gulf Coast Project. Other major sources of data include publicly available information from state agencies as well as publications of the U.S. Geological Survey and other scientific organizations. In cases where company proprietary data were used to produce various derivatives such as contour surfaces, the source is cited but the data are not displayed.
Upper Freeport Coal Bed County Statistics (Chemistry) in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset is a polygon coverage of counties limited to the extent of the Upper Freeport coal bed resource areas and attributed with statistics on these coal quality parameters: ash yield (percent), sulfur (percent), SO2 (lbs per million Btu), calorific value (Btu/lb), arsenic (ppm) content and mercury (ppm) content. The file has been generalized from detailed geologic coverages found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C. The attributes were generated from public data found in the geochemical dataset found in Chap. D, Appendix 8, Disc 1, as well as some additional proprietary data. Please see the metadata file found in Chap. D, Appendix 9, Disc 1, for more detailed information on the geochemical attributes. The county statistical data used for this data set are found in Tables 2-5 and 17-18, Chap. D, Disc 1. Additional county geochemical statistics for other parameters are found in Tables 6-16, Chap. D, Disc 1.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
These ArcView shapefiles contain representations of the thickness of overburden above the Ferris coal zones in the Ferris coalfield, Hanna Basin, Wyoming. These datasets was created specifically for the National Coal Resource Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This ArcView shapefile contains a polygon representation of the Deadman coal zone in the Black Butte area of the Point of Rocks-Black Butte coalfield, Wyoming. This boundary is a part of the National Coal Resource Assessment of the Northern Rocky Mountain and Great Plains Fort Union Coal Resources Assessment Area. This coal zone can be shown in relation to other relevant themes of this area.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-level Total Petroleum System. The Assessment Unit is shown here as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates a set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties within the Total Petroleum System, such as source rock, timing, migration pathways, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. The Assessment Unit boundary is defined geologically as the limits of the geologic elements that define the Assessment Unit, such as limits of reservoir rock, geologic structures, source rock, and seal lithologies. The only exceptions to this are Assessment Units that border the Federal-State water boundary. In these cases, the Federal-State water boundary forms part of the Assessment Unit boundary.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The maturation contours show vitrinite reflectance trends and ranges for five key petroleum system horizons within the Uinta-Piceance Province. The horizons are the lower part of the Green River Formation, the base of the Mesaverde Group/top of Mancos Shale, the base of the Mancos Shale, the base of the Phosphoria Formation, and coal within the Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale. The ranges of vitrinite reflectance shown for the horizons other than the Phosphoria Formation and the Ferron Sandstone are 1.35. The ranges for the Phosphoria Formation are 4.0; the ranges for the Ferron Sandstone Member are 1.25.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This is a coverage of the Colorado Plateau coal assessment study area. The study area outline was drawn on the county lines that most closely outline the coal-bearing rocks in the Colorado Plateau Region. The county outlines originate from a national coverage for which lines were extracted from U.S. Census 1990 TIGER/line files using an AML program written by Nebert, D., and Negri, M., USGS-Water Resources Division (WRD), running on two Data General 6220 servers.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset represents lineaments in the Powder River Basin as identified in the following publication: Anna, L.O., 1986, Geologic framework of the ground water system in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks on the Northern Great Plains, in parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1402-B, 36 p. Structural features were transferred from the publication to a hard-copy base map by province geologist, then digitized and referenced for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Structural may: 1) enhance secondary reservoir permeability and 2) provide migration pathways in unconventional rocks.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The USGS Central Region Energy Team assesses oil and gas resources of the United States. The onshore and State water areas of the United States comprise 71 provinces. Within these provinces, Total Petroleum Systems are defined and Assessment Units are defined and assessed. Each of these provinces is defined geologically, and most province boundaries are defined by major geologic changes. The Illinois Basin Province is located in portions of Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Tennessee. The main population centers within the study area are Louisville, Kentucky; Peoria and Springfield Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Saint Louis, Missouri; and Nashville, Tennessee. The main interstates, I-80, I-70, and I-40, generally traverse the area from east to west, while interstates, I-55 and I-65 generally traverse the area from north to south. The Ohio River and Mississippi River and their tributaries drain the area. The province boundary was drawn to include the geologic structures generally considered to be in or bounding the Illinois Basin.
National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Appalachian Basin Province (067) Total Petroleum Systems
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Total Petroleum System is used in the National Assessment Project and incorporates the Assessment Unit, which is the fundamental geologic unit used for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Total Petroleum System is shown here as a geographic boundary defined and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates not only the set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations, but also the geologic interpretation of the essential elements and processes within the petroleum system that relate to source, generation, migration, accumulation, and trapping of the discovered and undiscovered petroleum resource(s).
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This ArcView shapefile contains a line representation of the major faults in the Hanna and Carbon Basin areas. The shapefile is part of the National Coal resource Assessment in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Region. This shapefile can be shown in relation to other relevant themes of the area.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset is a point coverage of attributes on data location, thickness of the Pittsburgh coal bed main bench, and its elevation, in feet. The file is also found as an ASCII Appendix of Chapter C, Disc 1 found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
A geographic information system focusing on the South Florida Basin was developed for the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) 2000 assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and natural gas resources in the Gulf Coast Region. The USGS Energy Resources Science Center has developed map and metadata services to deliver the 2000 assessment results GIS data and services online. The Gulf Coast assessment is based on geologic elements of a total petroleum system (TPS) as described in Pollastro, R.M. and Schenk, C.J. (2001). The estimates of undiscovered oil and gas resources are within assessment units (AUs). The hydrocarbon assessment units include the assessment results as attributes within the AU polygon feature class (in geodatabase and shapefile format). Quarter-mile cells of the land surface that include single or multiple wells were created by the USGS to illustrate the degree of exploration and the type and distribution of production in the South Florida Basin. Other data that are available in the map documents and services include the TPS and USGS province boundaries.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This shapefile contains polygons that describe tectonic regions in Afghanistan and adjacent areas.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Total Petroleum System is used in the National Assessment Project and incorporates the Assessment Unit, which is the fundamental geologic unit used for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Total Petroleum System is shown here as a geographic boundary defined and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates not only the set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations, but also the geologic interpretation of the essential elements and processes within the petroleum system that relate to source, generation, migration, accumulation, and trapping of the discovered and undiscovered petroleum resource(s).
National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Uinta-Piceance Province (020) Estimated Depth to the Base of the Mesaverde Total Petroleum System
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset shows estimated depth ranges to stratigraphic horizons near the base of the Mesaverde Total Petroleum System, Uinta-Piceance Province, northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah. The structural horizons used for depth estimates include the top of the Blackhawk Formation (western Uinta Basin), top of the lower Castlegate Sandstone (central and eastern Uinta Basin), and the top of the Rollins and Trout Creek Sandstone Members of the Iles Formation in the Piceance Basin.
National Assessment of Oil and Gas - Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous-Tertiary Composite Total Petroleum System, Gulf Coast (Provinces 047, 048 and 049)
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Total Petroleum System is used in the National Assessment Project and incorporates the Assessment Unit, which is the fundamental geologic unit used for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Total Petroleum System is shown here as a geographic boundary defined and mapped by the geologists responsible for the provinces and incorporates not only the set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations, but also the geologic interpretation of the essential elements and processes within the petroleum system that relate to source, generation, migration, accumulation, and trapping of the discovered and undiscovered petroleum resource(s).
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset is a polygon coverage of counties limited to the extent of the Pittsburgh coal bed resource areas and attributed with original resource values (millions of short tons) in aggregated reporting categories as described in USGS Circular 891. The file has been generalized from detailed geologic coverages found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This shapfile includes arcs and polygons that describe U.S. Geological Survey defined petroleum resource Assessment Units of the World. Each assessment unit is defined as a mappable volume of rock within a total petroleum system that encompasses fields (discovered and undiscovered) that share similar geologic traits and socio-economic factors. The fields inside an assessment are a sufficiently homogenous population that a single methodology of resource assessment is applicable. Assessment units are described by U.S. Geological Survey research scientists on the basis of available geologic knowledge, exploration and production histories, and extensive literature searches. Assessment units are identified with a numeric code derived from the numeric code of the World Geologic Provinces defined by the U.S. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000. Most assessment units are contained within a single geologic province, but there are numerous cases where units span more than one province. Summary results of the assessment are presented as attributes of this shapefile.
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This dataset is a point coverage of attributes on data location, thickness of the Pond Creek coal bed main bench, and its elevation, in feet. The file is also found as an ASCII Appendix of Chapter G, Disc 1 found elsewhere in Professional Paper 1625-C.
Structure contours on top of Coal marker sands, the Deserado Study Area, Lower White River coal field, Colorado (desstrcg)
Published By U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This is a shapefile and ARC/INFO coverage of the structure contours on top of the Coal marker sands in the Deserado Study area, Lower White River coal field, Colorado