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Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) - Deaths associated with hospitalisation, England, April 2011 - March 2012, Experimental Statis
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This is the fifth publication of the Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI). This publication introduces two additional contextual indicators: Provider spells split by deprivation quintile. Deaths split by deprivation quintile. Further details of this change can be found on the methodological changes page, under Indicators. There are now 142 providers being reported on the SHMI compared to 143 for the previous publication. The consolidation of Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust (RCC) and York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (RCB) will be treated as a merger for the purposes of the SHMI publication and therefore these providers will be reported under York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (RCB) going forwards. Note: York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (RCB) have identified that 399 of their admitted patient care (APC) records have incomplete coverage for diagnosis fields. Caution is advised when interpreting the data for this trust. Further details can be found in the Month 13 HES data quality note on HESonline (external link) Update November 2012: A small error has been detected in the SHMI contextual indicator ‘Deaths split by those occurring in hospital and those occurring outside hospital within 30 days of discharge'. An issue has been identified with the methodology we are using to identify deaths that occur in hospital and deaths that occur outside hospital within 30 days of discharge. On the October 2012 release, this figure will be revised to approximately 74.1 per cent and 25.9 per cent respectively. Changes to previous quarters are similar. A revised methodology specification document will be published with the next release in January 2013.
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