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This data has achieved Bronze level on 28 October 2014 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
Publication of FTC accounts data 2013/14
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Monitor is publishing the information from the 2013/14 Foundation Trust Consolidation (FTC) files submitted to Monitor by NHS foundation trusts on 30 May 2014. These files contain NHS foundation trusts’ accounts data and related information for 2013/14. The data published here is limited to the information that NHS foundation trusts are required to include in their annual accounts. The information is already available in individual NHS foundation trusts’ annual reports as laid before Parliament and published by Monitor on its website. The intention of this data file is to make this data easier to locate and manipulate. Please note that this file does not contain consolidation adjustments made by Monitor, such as adjustments Monitor makes to eliminate income and expenditure between NHS foundation trusts. For this reason. the totals of the data included in this file might not agree with Monitor’s consolidated NHS foundation trust accounts. Please also note that from 2013/14 this data includes the results of NHS charitable funds where the foundation trust has assessed that it can control the charity as defined by accounting standards. Three files have been published, which should be used in conjunction: • the data file, containing all of the FTC data published in the accounts of the 147 NHS foundation trusts as at 31 March 2014; • an instructions document; and • an illustrative FTC file to assist the user in locating understanding the data being presented. The data set is a large file which contains tables of accounts data, for all notes to the accounts, for multiple NHS foundation trusts. It is difficult to present this data in a better format given the multi-dimensional nature of the data and limitations on file size. To assist the user in manipulating this data, please refer to the instructions document for further guidance.
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