Bronze level automatically awarded US beta
This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
EDI Performance Statistics
- Type of release
- a one-off release of a set of related datasets
- Data Licence
- Not Applicable
- Content Licence
- Creative Commons CCZero
- Verification
- automatically awarded
- Release Date
- 19 June 2015
- Modified Date
- 4 September 2015
- Publishers
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
- Keywords
- ambulatory-surgical-center, claims, durable-medical-equipment-dme, home-health-hha, hospice, hospital, inpatient, medicare, national, outpatient, physician-services, skilled-nursing-snf, statistics
- Identifier
- edi-performance-statistics
- Landing Page
- Maintainers
- admin
- Language
- en
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This section contains statistical information and reports related to the percentage of electronic transactions being sent to Medicare contractors in the formats adopted as national standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Statistics have not yet been posted for the 276-277 claim status and response or the 270-271 eligibility query and response transactions, but those statistics should be added to this site soon. Please see pages on the 276-277 and the 270-271 in the Medicare Electronic Billing and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Transactions section of this Web site for further information on use of those transactions. There are also pages in that section on Medicare electronic claims, remittance advice, and coordination of benefit transactions for which statistics are included in this section of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Web site.
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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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