Bronze level automatically awarded US beta
This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
Western Irrigated Agriculture
- Type of release
- a one-off release of a single dataset
- Licence
- Creative Commons CCZero
- Verification
- automatically awarded
- Release Date
- 1 April 2014
- Modified Date
- 1 September 2015
- Publishers
- Department of Agriculture
- Keywords
- agricultural-economics, irrigation
- Identifier
- western-irrigated-agriculture
- Landing Page
- Maintainers
- Glenn Schaible
- Theme
- climate5434
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This data product summarizes the farm-structural characteristics for irrigated farms in the 17 Western States based on USDA's 2008 and 1998 Farm and Ranch Irrigation Surveys (FRIS) (see the Documentation for data sources and methods). The tables are grouped into 16 sections, ranging from total irrigation values (for all irrigated farms), to higher efficiency irrigation, to irrigated farms receiving financial/technical assistance designed to encourage onfarm water and energy conservation. All tables identify specific irrigation characteristics for four farm size classes, by State. For more details, see the Summary of Results.
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