Bronze level automatically awarded US beta
This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
Public Housing Physical Inspection Scores
- Type of release
- a one-off release of a single dataset
- Data Licence
- Not Applicable
- Content Licence
- Creative Commons CCZero
- Verification
- automatically awarded
- Release Date
- 7 March 2014
- Modified Date
- 3 April 2015
- Publishers
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Keywords
- housing-quality, hud, multifamily-housing, pha, physical-inspection, property-assessment-scores, public-housing
- Identifier
- public-housing-physical-inspection-scores
- Landing Page
- Maintainers
- Jon Sperling
- Theme
- consumer9350
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HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center conducts physical property inspections of properties that are owned, insured or subsidized by HUD, including public housing and multifamily assisted housing. About 20,000 such inspections are conducted each year to ensure that assisted families have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. This page provides a full historical view of the results of those inspections, providing point-in-time property scores. Results are available for download as a comma-delimited dataset. Separate datasets are available for public housing and for multifamily assisted properties. The results represent the inspections conducted from 2001 through January 2015. The dataset includes property identifiers and location information. Detailed descriptions of the inspection processes can be found in Federal Register notices 66 FR 59084 for public housing and 65 FR77230 for Office of Housing programs. Making these inspection details available will enable researchers, advocacy groups and the general public to 1) better understand the physical condition of the HUD-assisted housing stock, as well as changes in the stock over time; 2) hold providers accountable for housing quality; and 3) plan for future affordable housing needs.
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