Bronze level automatically awarded US beta
This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
Eighth degree-CONUS Statistical Asynchronous Regional Regression Daily Downscaled Climate Projections
- Type of release
- a one-off release of a set of related datasets
- Data Licence
- Not Applicable
- Content Licence
- Creative Commons CCZero
- Verification
- automatically awarded
- Release Date
- 15 July 2014
- Modified Date
- 10 February 2015
- Publishers
- U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
- Identifier
- eighth-degree-conus-daily-downscaled-climate-projections-by-katharine-hayhoe
- Landing Page
- Theme
- climate5434
- Temporal Coverage
- 1 January 1960 — 26 November 2099
- Language
- eng
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NOTICE: A significant issue with the precipitation variables in this dataset was found in January 2015. The precipitation data has two fewer columns than the temperature data, one from each edge. When merged into the same coordinate system, this caused the temperature data to be offset to the west by one pixel. The dataset is now broken into two sub-datasets, one for precipitation and one for temperature. This corrects the pixel location. Any use of precipitation data from this dataset from September 2013, when new precipitation files containing the issue were introduced, should be considered slightly in error. For more information please contact In this project, we used an advanced statistical downscaling method that combines high-resolution observations with outputs from 16 different global climate models based on 4 future emission scenarios to generate the most comprehensive dataset of daily temperature and precipitation projections available for climate change impacts in the U.S. The gridded dataset covers the continental United States, southern Canada and northern Mexico at one-eighth degree resolution and Alaska at one-half degree resolution. The high-resolution projections produced by this work have been rigorously quality-controlled for both errors and biases in the global climate and statistical downscaling models. We also calculated projected future changes in a broad range of impact-relevant indicators, from seasonal temperature to extreme precipitation days. The results of the error and bias tests and the indicator calculations are made available as part of this database. Additional information and raw data from this dataset can be found here: Before using this dataset, please review the material summarized here: Note that the CONUS temperature and precipitation data were split into two sub datasets in January 2015. This was done because the precipitation data uses a slightly different longitude axis than the temperature data.
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U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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