Bronze level automatically awarded US beta

This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.

Services Annual Survey


Type of release
a one-off release of a single dataset

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded

Release Date
20 May 2015
Modified Date
17 September 2015
Update Frequency
Department of Commerce
abstract, abuse, accounting, activities, adjusting, admin, administration, administrative, advertising, advice, advocacy, agencies, agents, air, air-conditioning, airport, ambulance, ambulatory, amusement, annual, answering, appliance, appliances, appraisers, apprenticeship, arcades, architectural, archives, armored, arrangement, artists, arts, assets, associations, athletes, audiologists, authorities, automobile, automotive, bank, banking, banks, barber, beauty, blood, body, book, botanical, bowling, broadcasting, brokerage, brokerages, brokers, building, buildings, bulk, bureaus, bus, business, buying, cable, car, card, care, cargo, carpet, carrier, casino, casualty, cellular, cemeteries, central, charter, chartered, child, chiropractors, civic, claims, cleaning, clearinghouse, clubs, coastal, coin-operated, collection, combustors, commercial, commodity, communication, communities, community, commuter, companies, computer, conservation, construction, consulting, consumer, contracts, control, convention, cosmetology, costume, country, couriers, courses, court, cpas, crating, credit, crematories, crude, custody, custom, dance, data, database, dealing, deep, delivery, dentists, depository, design, development, diagnostic, dialysis, diet, dinner, direct, directory, disabilities, disc, display, disposal, distance, distribution, document, drafting, drive-in, driving, dry-cleaning, drycleaners, dwellings, educational, elderly, electric, electrical, electronic, electronics, emergency, employee, employment, engineering, enterprises, entertainers, entertainment, environment, environmental, equip, equipment, estate, estimates, events, exam, exchanges, executive, exhaust, expenses, exterminating, facilities, family, farm, fiduciary, finance, financial, financing, fine, firms, fitness, flight, food, footwear, forestry, formal, fossil, foundations, freestanding, freight, fuel, funds, funeral, furniture, gambling, garages, garden, gardens, gas, general, generation, geophysical, giving, glass, golf, goods, government, grantmaking, graphic, great, greeting, ground, groups, guards, handling, harbor, hazardous, health, historical, hmo, home, homes, hospital, hospitals, hosting, household, housing, human, humanities, hydroelectric, imaging, incinerators, independent, individual, industrial, industries, industry, information, inland, inspection, institutions, instruction, insurance, intangible, integrated, interior, intermediation, international, internet, interpretation, interurban, inventory, investigation, investment, irrigation, issuing, janitorial, kidney, labeling, laboratories, labs, lakes, land, landfill, landscape, landscaping, language, launders, laundries, laundry, lawyers, leasing, leather, legal, lending, lessors, libraries, life, limousine, linen, loan, local, locksmiths, logistics, long-distance, ltl, lubrication, machine, machinery, mail, maintenance, management, managers, mangers, mapping, marinas, marine, market, marketing, material, materials, mechanical, media, medical, mental, messengers, mining, miniwarehouses, miscellaneous, mixed, mode, monetary, mortgage, motion, motor, moving, museums, music, musical, naics, nail, nation, natural, nature, navigational, needs, networks, news, newspaper, nondepository, nonfinancial, nonhazardous, nonmortgage, nonresidential, nonscheduled, nuclear, nursing, occupational, office, offices, oil, one-hour, operating, operations, operators, opinion, optometrists, organ, organizations, organizers, outpatient, packaging, packing, paging, paint, parking, parks, party, passenger, patrol, payroll, pension, performers, performing, periodical, personal, pest, pet, petroleum, photofinishing, photography, physical, physicians, picture, pipeline, placement, planning, podiatrists, polling, port, portals, portfolio, portrait, postproduction, power, practitioners, precision, preparation, private, process, processing, product, production, products, professional, program, programming, promoting, property, providers, psychiatric, public, publishers, publishing, r-d, racetracks, radio, rail, receipts, record, recording, recovery, recreation, recreational, reducing, refined, refrigerated, rehabilitation, reinsurance, relations, relief, remediation, rental, repair, replacement, reporting, repossession, representatives, research, resellers, reservation, reserve, residential, resources, retardation, retirement, reupholstery, revenue, rights, road, rural, rv, sales, salons, sas, satellite, savings, scenic, scheduled, school, schools, sciences, scientific, sea, secondary, secretarial, sector, securities, security, self-storage, septic, service, services, settlement, sewage, shelters, shipping, shops, show, sightseeing, sites, skiing, social, software, solid, sound, special, specialists, specialized, specialty, spectator, speech, sports, stations, steam, stenotype, storage, studios, subscription, substance, supply, support, surgical, surveying, syndicates, system, systems, tank, tape, tax, tax-exempt, taxable, taxi, teams, technical, telecommunications, telemarketing, telephone, teleproduction, television, temporary, testing, theater, theaters, theme, therapists, title, tour, towing, trade, traffic, trailer, training, transactions, transit, translation, transmission, transportation, travel, treatment, truck, trucking, truckload, trust, tutoring, u-s, unions, units, upholstery, urban, used, utilities, utility, vehicle, veterinary, video, visitors, vocational, voluntary, warehousing, washes, waste, water, wear, web, weight, wildlife, wired, wireless, writers, youth, zoos
Landing Page
Robert A. Marske

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Provides estimates of revenue and other measures for most traditional service industries. The Bureau of Economic Analysis uses these data in its preparation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), national income and product accounts, and its benchmark and annual input-output tables. The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses the data as input to its producer price indexes and in developing productivity measurements. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses the data to estimate expenditures for the National Health Accounts. The Coalition of Service Industries uses data for general research and planning. Trade and professional organizations use the estimates to analyze industry trends and benchmark their own statistical programs, develop forecasts, and evaluate regulatory requirements. The media use estimates for news reports and background information. Private businesses use the estimates to measure market share; analyze business potential; and plan investment decisions.

General Information

Legal Information

This dataset has been created by US Government which means it is required to be in the public domain. However US copyright law only allows open access by US citizens, we have assumed the data is equivalently licensed as CC0 for the rest of the world as this is in the spirit of the US Government’s Open Data policy.
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