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STOMACH CONTENTS - FULLNESS, WATER TEMPERATURE, STOMACH CONTENTS - PREY COUNT, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION and other fish examination data collected in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific Ocean on the CHARTER/FISHING BOATS cruises GP0108, GP0207-01 and MF0310


Type of release
ongoing release of a series of related datasets

Data Licence
Not Applicable

Content Licence
Creative Commons CCZero

automatically awarded

Release Date
27 September 2015
Modified Date
27 September 2015
Update Frequency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
STOMACH CONTENTS - FULLNESS, WATER TEMPERATURE, STOMACH CONTENTS - PREY COUNT, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION and other fish examination data collected in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific Ocean on the CHARTER/FISHING BOATS cruises GP0108, GP0207-01 and MF0310 as part of the NEP project from 2001-07-18 to 2003-08-08 (NODC Accession 0115262)
Landing Page
Temporal Coverage
18 July 2001 — 8 August 2003

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NODC Accession 0115262 includes biological, fish examination and physical data collected aboard the CHARTER/FISHING BOATS during cruises GP0108, GP0207-01 and MF0310 in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific Ocean from 2001-07-18 to 2003-08-08. These data include STOMACH CONTENTS - FULLNESS, WATER TEMPERATURE, STOMACH CONTENTS - PREY COUNT, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION - SEX, SPECIES IDENTIFICATION - WET WEIGHT, HABITAT, STOMACH CONTENTS - DIGESTION, STOMACH CONTENTS - CONTENT WEIGHT and STOMACH CONTENTS - PREY WET WEIGHT. The instruments used to collect these data include trawl. These data were collected by Edward D. Cokelet of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alex C Wertheimer and Edward V. Farley of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Jamal Hasan Moss of University of Washington and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Alaska Fisheries Science Center as part of NEP. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NODC on 2013-10-31. The following is the text of the abstract provided by BCO-DMO: GLOBEC 2000: Factors Affecting the Distribution of Juvenile Salmon in the Gulf of Alaska J. Helle (NMFS/AFSC, Auke Bay Laboratory) E. D. Cokelet (Pacific Marine Environmentla Laboratory), E. V. Farley, Jr. (NMFS/AFSC, Auke Bay Laboratory), A. B. Hollowed (NMFS/AFSC), P. J. Stabeno (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) "Remarkable changes in atmospheric, oceanic and biological conditions have occurred in recent decades in the North Pacific Ocean including declines in the marine survival of some salmon stocks. Fishery scientists generally agree that in the first few months after leaving freshwater, salmon survival and growth are linked to oceanic variability. The purpose of this research is to focus National Marine Fisheries Service studies on the GLOBEC region, augment oceanographic measurements and determine what biological and physical factors influence the distribution of juvenile salmon. Three general hypotheses are explored in this proposal: (1) juvenile salmon prefer the buoyancy-driven Alaska Coastal Current (ACC) at the head of the Gulf of Alaska, (2) they associate with oceanic temperature, salinity, current and prey fields, and (3) they migrate landward of Kodiak Island in the ACC rather than seaward in the Alaskan Stream. Annual, summer cruises aboard a chartered fishing vessel will catch juvenile salmon on 10 transects between Yakutat Bay and Kodiak Island. The vessel will be outfitted with a thermosalinograph to measure sea-surface temperature and salinity, and with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) - each operating continuously for fine-scale resolution. Modeled tidal currents will be removed from ADCP measurements to reveal the mean flow fields. At each trawl site, temperature and salinity profiles will provide water-column properties, and bongo-net hauls will give zooplankton distributions. Stomach samples from juvenile salmonids will be analyzed in the laboratory for diet composition and compared with zooplankton distributions. Analysis of salmon otoliths for hatchery thermal marks and Genetic Stock Identification techniques will be used to determine the home stream of hatchery and wild stocks in the Gulf of Alaska and their distribution with respect to oceanographic regimes. Retrospective analysis of catch per unit effort versus oceanographic and prey factors will reveal what affects the distribution of pink, chum, coho and sockeye salmon in the study region. Proxies for bio-physical factors will be developed and compared with salmon-run size."(project proposal) Data Collection Details: Types: CTD profiles, ADCP profiles of ocean current, juvenile salmonid catch statistics from trawls, salmonid stomach samples analyzed for diet composition, salmonid otolith analyses, Genetic Stock Identification, zooplankton distributions from bongo-net hauls Platform: Chartered fishing vessel Spatial extent: 10 transects perpendicular to the coast between Yakutat Bay and Kodiak Island Temporal extent: ~2 weeks each July-August of 2001-2004.

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This dataset has been created by US Government which means it is required to be in the public domain. However US copyright law only allows open access by US citizens, we have assumed the data is equivalently licensed as CC0 for the rest of the world as this is in the spirit of the US Government’s Open Data policy.
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