Published By Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Issued about 10 years ago
Presents quarterly price and cost indices are a basic tool of the trade to anyone involved in estimating, cost checking and fee negotiation on public sector construction works including roads. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Construction Price and Cost Indices
Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant outpatient appointments. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Monthly Activity Return
Published By Health and Social Care Information Centre
Issued about 10 years ago
The report presents results of the GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiry. It provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses in the UK and has been agreed by the Technical Steering Committee. Source agency: Health and Social Care Information Centre Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: GP Earnings and Expenses
Published By Health and Social Care Information Centre
Issued about 10 years ago
The Dental Earnings and Expenses report provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of General Dental Services (GDS) and Personal Dental Services (PDS) dentists in England and Wales. Source agency: Health and Social Care Information Centre Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Dental Earnings and Expenses
Published By Home Office
Issued about 10 years ago
Police officer strength and officers per 100,000 population by Basic Command Unit.
Published By Office for National Statistics
Issued about 10 years ago
New 2011 Census statistics describing the characteristics of the out of term population for Output Areas in England and Wales on census day, 27 March 2011. Out of term statistics count and describe all usual residents, including students, at their non term-time address. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: 2011 Census
The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours of arrival. Also included are the number of admissions via A&E, and any waits of over four hours for admission following decision to admit. Data are shown at provider organisation level, from NHS Trusts, NHS Foundation Trusts, Primary Care Trusts and Independent Sector Organisations. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: A&E sitreps
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
Provides information on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 7 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 (KS1). Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 1 in England
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
Provides the earliest information on the overall achievements of young people in GCSE and equivalent examinations. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: GCSE and Equivalent Results, England
Published By NHS England
Issued about 10 years ago
Monthly data on critical care bed use and cancelled urgent operations Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Critical care bed capacity and cancelled operations: monthly situation reports
Published By HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Issued about 10 years ago
Value for money profiles provide benchmarking information on: what the police are spending their budgets; staffing levels by grade and function and outputs and outcomes in a comparable format.
Published By Office for National Statistics
Issued about 10 years ago
Contains price indices, percentage changes and weights for the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), Retail Prices Index (RPI) and the components that make up these indices. Internationally, the CPI is known as the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: CPI
Published By Office for National Statistics
Issued about 10 years ago
The most recent crime statistics from the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Crime Statisitcs
Published By Department for Education
Issued about 10 years ago
Provides information at national level on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 14 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 3 (KS3). This is the last year of formal tests at KS3; in subsequent years the results of teacher assessments at Key Stage 3 are included in our Key Stage 2 publication. Source agency: Education Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 3 in England
Data about the publicly accessible car parks used in the Transport Direct journey planner. The extent of data about each car park varies, but generally includes the location co-ordinates of the car park and entrance/exit, car park name, locality and operator. The car park data is free and will be made available under the Open Government Licence. The Code-Point® Open data associated with some car parks is also free and made available under Ordnance Survey OpenData™. The data will be refreshed monthly taking account of feedback from users and operators.
Published By HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
Issued about 10 years ago
The Crime and Policing Comparator allows you to compare data on recorded crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB), quality of service, finances and workforce numbers for all police forces in England and Wales.
Published By Transport Direct
Issued about 10 years ago
NaPTAN is a GB national system for uniquely identifying all the points of access to public transport in GB. It is a core component of the GB national transport information infrastructure and is used by a number of other UK standards and information systems. Every GB station, coach terminus, airport, ferry terminal, bus stop, etc., is allocated at least one identifier. Relevant links: NaPTAN home page on DfT website (for background information) National Public Transport Gazetteer National Public Transport Data Repository (public transport timetables) Traveline National Data Set (a weekly snapshot of public transport timetables due to be produced from early / mid 2012)
Published By Transport Direct
Issued about 10 years ago
NPTG provides a topographic database of towns and settlements in the UK; it provides a common frame of reference for the National Public Access Nodes (NaPTAN) schema and other UK Public Transport Information schemas such as JourneyWeb. The appropriate naming and geospatial location of towns and places is vital for providing effective place and stop finding in modern on-line journey planners and other Passenger Information systems. Names are those that would be used by the people that reside or work in that place; the geospatial location is selected to optimise journey planning and other passenger information usage. The NPTG XML schema is used to distribute topographic data from the NPTG database to the local Administrative Areas who administer NaPTAN data, as well as other downstream Public Transport information systems such as journey planners. Relevant links: NPTG home page on DfT website (for background information) National Public Transport Access Nodes National Public Transport Data Repository (public transport timetables) Traveline National Data Set (a weekly snapshot of public transport timetables due to be produced from early / mid 2012)
Published By Gambling Commission
Issued about 10 years ago
This dataset contains a list of the premises in Great Britain which can provide facilities for gambling. This includes betting shops, casinos, bingo premises and arcades. The Gambling Commission licenses and regulates gambling operators in Great Britain. Licensing authorities are responsible for issuing premises licences. Licesning authorities notify the Commission when they issue these licences and the Commission maintains a database of these notifications. This is where this extract is taken from. We cannot provide any assurance on the completeness and accuracy of this data. For accurate premises information, Licensing Authorities should be contacted directly as they will each maintain an accurate and up to date register. The extract lists premises which the Gambling Commission has been notified of as having an active premises licence (shown as ‘ACTIVE’ or ‘GRANT’) and those that we have been informed are at application stage (‘APPLICATION’). It also lists premises that are subject to an application to vary the licence (shown as ‘VARIATION’).
Published By Department for Transport
Issued about 10 years ago
This data contains points detailing the location of each Station in the UK and the centre line of the railway track for the network that is managed by Network Rail. It is one of the UK data sets within the Inspire Transport Theme. It is expected the data set from Network Rail will be updated on a six monthly basis.
Published By Department for Transport
Issued about 10 years ago
This data is the Highways Agency road network- Trunk roads, motorways and other types of roads that the Highways Agency is responsible for maintaining. It is one of the UK data sets within the Transport Theme. It is expected the data set from the Highways Agency will be updated on a six monthly basis.
Published By Transport Direct
Issued about 10 years ago
The National Coach Services Database (NCSD) was commissioned by Transport Direct to collect schedules for coach and strategic bus services across Great Britain. The data is is used by both Transport Direct and traveline for journey planning purposes.
Published By Serious Fraud Office
Issued about 10 years ago
Organograms showing senior and junior posts in the Serious Fraud Office in the Serious Fraud Office, including total numbers and grades.
Published By Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Issued about 10 years ago
Organogram and pay data for Sir John Soane's Museum
Published By West Northamptonshire Development Corporation
Issued about 10 years ago
A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in West Northamptonshore Development Corporation including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts where the jobholder is not disclosed are listed as "N/D". Note that a number of officers are not listed for security reasons. This data has been updated with a snapshot of the organisation on 31/03/2011. The senior staff data is now presented in one CSV file. Positions that have been removed in between the exercises in October 2010 and spring 2011 are listed as "Eliminated".