Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
NOAA Coral Reef Watch Operational Near-real-time Twice-weekly Global 50 km Satellite Coral Bleaching Thermal Stress Monitoring Product Suite from 2000-11-28 to 2000-12-31 (NODC Accession 0075815)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
NOAA's polar-orbiting satellites measure SST around the globe in near-real-time, and Coral Reef Watch produces a suite of products derived from this set of satellite SST and uses them to pinpoint areas around the world where corals are at risk for bleaching. This is a suite of operational products produced at 0.5 degree (approximately 50 km) spatial resolution twice-weekly. The products include nighttime sea surface temperature, nighttime sea surface temperature anomaly, coral bleaching HotSpots, and Degree Heating Weeks for the global oceans.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Physical and meteorological delayed-mode full-resolution data from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array in the Equatorial Pacific from 2010-01-11 to 2011-11-24 (NODC Accession 0125954)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array of moored buoys spans the tropical Pacific. Moorings within the array measure surface meteorological and upper-ocean parameters. This NODC Accession contains full-resolution, delayed-mode data, which the National Buoy Data Center processed and submitted to NODC in netCDF-formatted files.
WATER DEPTH and Other Data from TOWNSEND CROMWELL from 19660620 to 19680909 (NODC Accession 6900285)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By Department of Justice
Issued about 9 years ago
Executive Policy and Strategic Planning Staff system tracks audits and investigations and DEA's responses.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Multibeam collection for BCH1101E: Multibeam data collected aboard Bowditch from 2011-05-05 to 2011-06-04, departing from Unknown Port and returning to Unknown Port
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
This data set is part of a larger set of data called the MultiBeam Bathymetric Data Base (MBBDB) where other similar data can be found at
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
On August 17, 1996, the Japanese Space Agency (NASDA - National Space Development Agency) launched the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS was in a descending, Sun synchronous orbit with a nominal equatorial crossing time of 10:30 a.m. Amoung the instruments carried aboard the ADEOS spacecraft was the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS). OCTS is an optical radiometer with 12 bands covering the visible, near infrared and thermal infrared regions. (Eight of the bands are in the VIS/NIR. These are the only bands calibrated and processed by the OBPG) OCTS has a swath width of approximately 1400 km, and a nominal nadir resolution of 700 m. The instrument operated at three tilt states (20 degrees aft, nadir and 20 degrees fore), similar to SeaWiFS.
Published By Federal Laboratory Consortium
Issued about 9 years ago
This facility is the only test bed in the world with available pump power levels of up to 2 kW at 1530 nm. It evaluates the power scalability of fiber lasers and amplifiers using the resonant pumping approach in order to achieve a better understanding of the scalability limit for fiber lasers operating in the eyesafe wavelength regions of 1.56 - 1.62 μm, for resonantly pumped erbium (Er)-doped fibers, and 1.85 - 2.1 μm, for resonantly pumped thulium (Tm)-doped fibers. Pump sources are InP/InGaAsP laser diode modules fiber-coupled into standard 105/125 μm, 0.22 numerical aperture (NA) multimode delivery fibers. Fiber coupling integrates the pump via commercial pump couplers/combiners into active fibers (doped laser fibers). The High Energy Laser-Joint Technology Office (HEL-JTO) and ARL jointly funded the facility. The test bed will be available to government and non-government customers interested in testing their developed components, including pump couplers, step-index and photonic crystal fiber (PCF) laser fibers, and all-fiber optical isolators.
Published By Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
Issued about 9 years ago
FEMA Framework Basemap datasets comprise six of the seven FGDC themes of geospatial data that are used by most GIS applications (Note: the seventh framework theme, orthographic imagery, is packaged in a separate NFIP Metadata Profile): cadastral, geodetic control, governmental unit, transportation, general structures, hydrography (water areas & lines. These data include an encoding of the geographic extent of the features and a minimal number of attributes needed to identify and describe the features. (Source: Circular A16, p. 13)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Temperature profile data from BATHYTHERMOGRAPH (XBT) from LEXA MAERSK and other platforms in the eastern Pacific Ocean and southern Atlantic Ocean: 19880526 to 19890911 (NODC Accession 9000078)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The water depth and temperature data was collected from ships such as Lexa Maersk and 14 other ships. The data was collected from Eastern Pacific Ocean and Southern Atlantic Ocean as part of Gulf of Mexico NOAA/NMFS Ship of Opportunity (SOOP) project. The data was collected by Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), La Jolla, CA from May 26, 1988 to September 11, 1989. The originator's bathythermograph (XBT) data with 2,254 observations was submitted in a diskette. The data has been converted and is now available on line in C116 file format of NODC.
Real-time profile data assembled by Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) and submitted on 2014-01-27 (NODC Accession 0116060)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM) office processes oceanographic profiles reported for the world oceans in near real-time from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) for the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP). These data also support the activities of the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) and the WOCE Upper Ocean Thermal Program (WOCE UOT).
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Temperature and salinity profile data from globally distributed Argo profiling floats for the week of 2009-04-09 for the Global Argo Data Repository, date ranged from 2002-10-25 to 2009-04-15 (NODC Accession 0053404)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) operates the Global Argo Data Repository (GADR) as the long-term archive for the International Global Argo Project (for additional information about Argo, see (last accessed April 2009)). Argo data archived by the US NODC on a weekly basis starting the second quarter of FY 2003, may include real-time and/or delayed-mode profiles of ocean temperature and salinity, as well as related conductivity and/or pressure measurements (if any), collected by Argo profiling floats.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has the statutory mandate to collect hydrographic data in support of nautical chart compilation for safe navigation and to provide background data for engineers, scientific, and other commercial and industrial activities. Hydrographic survey data primarily consist of water depths, but may also include features (e.g. rocks, wrecks), navigation aids, shoreline identification, and bottom type information. NOAA is responsible for archiving and distributing the source data as described in this metadata record.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
The Light Microscopy Module (LMM), developed and managed by NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), is producing fascinating results. LMM will yield even more astonishing results with the addition of enhancing subsystems. Techshot is developing one such subsystem, the LMM-Dynamic Stage (LMM-DS), which will satisfy a host of new experiments. However, GRC has many more researchers awaiting enhancing subsystems for conducting experiments that could lead to new materials with significant commercial potential. Capitalizing on Techshot's rapid progress with the LMM-DS, its vast array of mixing and separations technologies, and its experience with microfluidic systems, Techshot proposes development of a Finite Internal Temperature Slide (FITS)— a hollow microscope slide capable of taking temperature measurements of a sample along the length of a slide without significant optical interference. Additionally this technology will apply heating to the sample by passing a current through the resistive path used for temperature measurement. This allows for more accurate, varied and controlled temperature gradients to be applied across a sample volume while maintaining optical clarity. FITS is a direct result of a need expressed by current NASA funded Principal Investigators who intend to use the LMM for experiments in which temperature, and/or temperature gradients, must be precisely controlled.
Pressure gauge data from fixed platforms in the Bering Sea as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) from 24 September 1976 to 13 May 1977 (NODC Accession 7700667)
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
Pressure gauge data were collected from fixed platforms in the Bering Sea from 24 September 1976 to 13 May 1977. Data were collected by the University of Washington (UW) as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP). Data were processed by NODC to the NODC standard F017 Pressure Gauge Data format. Full format description is available from NODC at An analog file for this accession is available from NODC user services. The F017 format contains time series measurements of seawater pressure from anchored or bottom-mounted sensors. Measurements of variations at depth of seawater pressure provide information on tidal and storm flows, ocean circulation, and other phenomena that cause changes in sea surface elevation or slope and that can be detected from their pressure signature. Position, bottom depth, and gauge depth are reported for each station. The data record comprises values of total pressure at specified date and time. Data values may be subject to averaging or filtering and are typically reported at time intervals of 10-15 minutes. Seawater temperature may also be reported. Comments may be reported in a text record.
Published By Department of Transportation
Issued about 9 years ago
With the exception of some larger commuter operators, who report results on Form 41, smaller air carriers generally report on Form 298-C. The actual reporting requirements vary for air carriers based on size. Limited information on capacity and utilization by aircraft type is reported on Form 298-C.
Published By National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
Phase 2 developed historical (1895-1993) gridded data sets of climate (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, humidity, and wind speed) and projected (1994-2100) gridded annual and monthly climate data sets using output from two climate system models [CCCma (Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis) and Hadley Centre models]. Two Phase 2 model experiments were run. First, a set of selected biogeochemical models and coupled biogeochemical-biogeographical models were run from 1895 to 1993 to compare model responses to the historical time series and current ecosystem biogeochemistry. Second, these same models were run on the projected 1994 to 2100 data to compare their ecological responses to transient scenarios of climate and atmospheric CO2 change. Model runs were performed for daily, monthly, and annual gridded data sets. The output of the monthly model runs in VEMAP grid format are contained in this data set.