The UK is divided into areas called constituencies. One MP is elected to represent each of these areas. The size and number of constituencies are reviewed at intervals of between 8 and 12 years by the Boundary Commissioners. Any changes must be agreed by Parliament. This dataset contains all UK parliamentary constituencies, both present and historic, where boundary changes have led to the formation/dissolution of new/old constituencies. Use this dataset * If you want a list of constituencies, both current and historic(due to boundary changes) * If you want to link data to the Geographical data held by Ordnance Survey
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Early Day Motions (EDMs) are used by MPs to express their opinion on something or to draw the attention of the Commons to a particular issue or campaign. Other MPs can show their support for a particular EDM by adding their signature to it. While they are not normally debated, an EDM that attracts hundreds of signatures from MPs of all parties is likely to result in some kind of response from the Government. Each EDM is tabled by a single primary sponsor. A given MP may table any number of EDMs. Each EDM has a title. Each EDM has a unique reference number (unique to that session, starting from 1). The text of an EDM may not exceed 250 words. Each EDM may have any number of MPs supporting it (0 to many). MPs must register Interests in relation to EDMs they support. MPs may withdraw their support at any time (indicated in the Notice paper). Amendments may be tabled for any EDM. A given Member can only support either the main EDM or an amended version, not both. The dataset contains EDMs tabled by MP dating back to 1989/90. The Dataset provides a record (resource) for each EDM or EDM amendment. Use the dataset if * you would like to understand which MPs have tabled EDMS and on what subjects. It also shows who else supports them.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
For each of the buildings on the Parliamentary estate, data is being collected on their energy consumption. Parliament is using the service from Carbon Culture to monitor and publish its energy consumption data. For each of the buildings on the Parliamentary estate, data is available for the current and previous years in the form of a zipped CSV file. Use this dataset: * If you are interested in Parliament's carbon footprint.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Provisional data provided by returning Officers in the days following the UK 2015 General Election They are provisional and may be revised. For an analysis using this data please see ( It provides information on results by country, region and party, as well as the full result and turnout for every UK constituency.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
This dataset contains data on General and by-elections. A General election is when the electors of the country cast their votes to elect Members of Parliament. After the Fixed Term Parliament Act was passed on 15 September 2011, the date of the next general election is set at 7 May 2015. The act provides for General elections to be held on the first Thursday in May every five years. There are two provisions that trigger an election other than at five year intervals. A motion of no confidence is passed in Her Majesty's Government by a simple majority and 14 days elapses without the House passing a confidence motion in any new Government formed A motion for a general election is agreed by two thirds of the total number of seats in the Commons including vacant seats (currently 434 out of 650) Once the dissolution of Parliament has been announced, the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery issues Writs of Election. At this time the date of meeting for the new Parliament will also be announced. Although the Government continues in office, there cease to be any MPs and they may not use the facilities of the House while the general election is in progress. At the beginning of a new Parliament the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery will deliver to the Clerk of the House a return book, which lists the Members who won constituency seats and therefore have the right to serve in Parliament. A by-election occurs when a seat in the House of Commons becomes vacant during the lifetime of a Parliament (ie between general elections), because the sitting MP dies, resigns (by applying for the Chiltern Hundreds or the Manor of Northstead), is elevated to the peerage or becomes ineligible to sit for some other reason. More can be found here:
This dataset comprises large zip files containing the corrected versions of each day's Hansard for the preceding month. Use this dataset: * If you want to view a corrected version of Hansard for each day of the previous month.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
The House of Commons register their votes on specific motions within debates or in committee by dividing. The results of the vote are referred to as divisions and are recorded in the Official Report (Hansard). In the House of Commons the Speaker calls for a vote by announcing 'Clear the Lobbies'. Division bells ring throughout the building and the police direct anyone who is not a Member to leave the vicinity of the lobbies. They also walk through the public rooms of the House shouting "division". MPs have eight minutes to get to the division lobby before the doors are closed. The division list records how the Members have voted in the Aye and No Lobbies. Tellers count the votes of the division so that they can be printed in Hansard and they are generally available the following day. Party affiliations are not recorded in the division lists.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Oral Questions are questions that are tabled by an MP in person or by another MP or Member acting on his or her behalf. Use this dataset: * to explore which questions to the government are asked by different MPs. This dataset contains Oral Questions tabled by Members of the House of Commons for answer during [Question Time]( "Question Time"). NB, once questions have been answered, the transcript is recorded in [Hansard]( "Hansard"). Additional data services for Hansard are available at
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
MPs can ask government ministers questions for written answer. These are often used to obtain detailed information about policies and statistics on the activities of government departments. Use this dataset: * If you want to explore the subjects MPs are raising with the government.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Government ministers can make written statements to Parliament as well as oral ones. Oral statements often address major incidents, policies and actions. Written ministerial statements are normally used to put the day-to-day business of government on the official record and in the public domain. Use this dataset: * to explore the day-to-day business of the government and the House of Lords.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
The House of Commons and the House of Lords register their votes on specific motions within debates or in committee by dividing. The results of the vote are referred to as divisions and are recorded in the Official Report (Hansard). In the House of Commons the Speaker calls for a vote by announcing 'Clear the Lobbies'. Division bells ring throughout the building and the police direct anyone who is not a Member to leave the vicinity of the lobbies. They also walk through the public rooms of the House shouting "division". MPs have eight minutes to get to the division lobby before the doors are closed. The division list records how the Members have voted in the Aye and No Lobbies. Tellers count the votes of the division so that they can be printed in Hansard and they are generally available the following day. Party affiliations are not recorded in the division lists. In the House of Lords the process is the same except that the lobbies are called the Contents Lobby and the Not Contents Lobby and the announcement 'Clear the Bar' is called. Use this dataset: * If you want to know the outcomes of divisions in the House of Lords, including how members voted on each division
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Members of the Lords can ask government ministers questions for written answer. These are often used to obtain detailed information about policies and statistics on the activities of government departments. These are in addition to oral questions. Use this dataset: * If you want to explore the subjects that members of the House of Lords are raising with the government.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Government ministers can make written statements to Parliament as well as oral ones. Oral statements often address major incidents, policies and actions. Written ministerial statements are normally used to put the day-to-day business of government on the official record and in the public domain. This dataset contains written statements delivered to the House of Lords by Government Ministers starting from November 2014. The statements are addressed to the whole House rather than a written question tabled by a member Use this dataset: * If you are interested in the day-to-day business of the government and the House of Lords.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Prior to data.parliament launching we provided third parties with data feeds. These have been decommissioned as part of the project. We created this custom data set to ensure that the third parties get continuity of service for their specific requirement. The data is presented here for wider usage. It contains data on Legislation (containing: Bills, Church Measures, Local Acts, Public General Acts), as well as House of Commons and Command Papers.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Use this dataset if * You want to find interests declared by current members of the House of Lords In the House of Lords the Register of Lords' Interests is where Members of the House of Lords declare the following kinds of outside interests: i) Consultancy work which involves payment; ii) Financial interests in businesses that are involved in lobbying Parliament; iii) Any other interests which may affect the public's opinion of the way in which the Lords carries out its duties (this is optional).
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
A Member of Parliament (MP) is elected by a particular area or constituency in the United Kingdom to represent them in the House of Commons. Once elected an MP represents all the people in his or her constituency and can ask government ministers questions, speak about issues in the House of Commons and consider and propose new laws. Use this dataset: * If you want to find information on Members of Parliament. Our [Members' Names Data Platform]( provides a powerful set of APIs and tools for querying Member data.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Members of the Lords help to make and shape laws and hold the government to account. Many members remain active in their careers and draw on this experience in their work in the House. This dataset contains details of Lords past and present. Use this dataset: * If you want to find information on Members of the House of Lords. Our [Members' Names Data Platform]( provides a powerful set of APIs and tools for querying Member data.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Many different types of papers are presented to Parliament by bodies outside Parliament - some are then published under Parliament's authority. Most are presented because the bodies are required to do so either by law or by a decision of Parliament. Others are presented because the government has decided or has previously undertaken to provide the information to Parliament (these papers are called 'Command Papers'). The following are some of the categories of papers that must be presented to Parliament: * Annual reports of government departments or other bodies and agencies. * Periodic reports of certain activities or programmes (eg, Reports of Her Majesty's Inspector of Prisons). * Reports by the National Audit Office. * Estimates, accounts and other government financial papers such as the Budget. * Reports of inquiries into particular events (e.g., the Hutton Inquiry, the Home Office report on the 7/7 London bombings). Many, but not all, of these papers are published as House of Commons Papers. Use this dataset if * You would like to track papers presented to Parliament.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
'Session' is the word used to describe the Parliamentary year. A session begins with the State Opening of Parliament, pre-2012 this usually ran from November to November. From 2012 this occurs in the spring. Sessions run for 12 months as the general election will generally happen on the first Thursday of May every 5 years. The session used to run for 12 months unless there was a general election. If a general election took place, the session increased in length to include the additional months from the new date of the State Opening which took place shortly after the election. Use this dataset to consume Parliamentary start and end of session dates information. This dataset is commonly used as a reference and link to other datasets.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Questions and Answers (Q&A) Daily Report contains written answers received on a given day from ministers in response to written questions tabled by members of the House of Commons. The dataset includes details of the question and the written answer received from the Government Department. It also includes ministerial statements tabled on the same day.
Published By UK Parliament
Issued over 8 years ago
Q&A Daily Report is a summary of written answers approved by the Lords on a given day and received from ministers in response to written questions tabled by members of the House of Lords. The dataset includes details of the question and the written answer received from the Government Department. It also includes ministerial statements tabled on the same day.
Background and analysis on topics of parliamentary interest dating from 1989 to present. Research briefings are produced by the Libraries of the House of Commons and House of Lords and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. Each briefing has a PDF document for the text of the briefing as well as additional data about its production. Use this dataset: * to explore the briefings produced by the Libraries of the House of Commons and House of Lords and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology.
Contains the complete Sessional Return for each year as a single document. Work is underway to make the underlying data available also.
The thesauri are created and maintained to support the search and indexing work of Parliament. The dataset contains - Concepts (broad and narrow subject terms, including Parliamentary procedural terms) - Content types (material types) - Legislation names (Bills and Acts) - Names (members of the UK and European Parliament, and other names of newsworthy people) - Organisations (UK and worldwide bodies) - and a high-level Taxonomy used on the Parliamentary website for public access to material. Each entry is made up of a lead term (descriptor), and can include synonyms, and relationships. The thesauri undergo constant revision as new issues, organisations, names and legislation are discussed in Parliament.
The Lords Attendance Dataset provides a record of the attendance of members of the House of Lords. A member is counted as having attended if they have been present on a given date at a sitting in the House of Lords chamber, at a Grand Committee or Select Committee sitting or if they have been recorded as voting in a division in the main chamber. Select Committees can meet on days when the Chamber is not-sitting and therefore it is possible for an attendance to be recorded on a day that the House is not sitting. Attendances are published on the first day of the calendar month, two months after which they occur (e.g. Attendances in November will be shown from the start of January onwards). Use this dataset if you: * Want to view the level of attendance for specific days * Want to check the attendance of a specific member on a specific day * Want to view who attended a committee on a day * Want to link member details and their attendance programmatically