Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The housing stock data that describes over 64,000 social housing properties owned by Birmingham City Council. The data describes the locations by the following information per house, the column name in the file is in capital letters - 1. Address (ADDRESS) 1. Postcode (POSTCODE) 1. Property Type (PROP_TYPE) 1. Number of bedrooms (BEDROOMS) 1. Ward in 2006 (WARD2006) 1. Floor (FLOOR) 1. Heating (HEATING) 1. Builder (BUILDER) 1. Date of BCC management starting (DATE_UNDER_MANAGEMENT) 1. Constructed Date (CONSTRUCTION_DATE) 1. Rent per month (BASIC_RENT_VAL) 1. Council Tax Band (CTBAND_VAL) 1. GeoJSON field Please note where there is no data in a cell or colum - it has not been recorded in the BCC Housing system
NaPTAN is a GB national system for uniquely identifying all the points of access to public transport in GB. It is a core component of the GB national transport information infrastructure and is used by a number of other UK standards and information systems. Every GB station, coach terminus, airport, ferry terminal, bus stop, etc., is allocated at least one identifier.
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Contractual information regarding the disposal of waste in the Birmingham area
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham City Council owned and managed CCTV Cameras.This is a response to FOI enquiry number FOI10235
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
List of Properties within Birmingham liable for Business Rates and giving the rateable value per property.
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Data set shows admissions to all secondary schools managed by Birmingham City Council as a local Authority.
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham City Council - Council Tax Arrears by Ward and Year between 1997-2012, as per Freedom of Information enquiry FOI 9378
NaPTAN is a GB national system for uniquely identifying all the points of access to public transport in GB. It is a core component of the GB national transport information infrastructure and is used by a number of other UK standards and information systems. Every GB station, coach terminus, airport, ferry terminal, bus stop, etc., is allocated at least one identifier.
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham City council - Council Tax Arrears by stage and year between 1997-2012 as per Freedom of Information enquiry number FOI 9378
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham cycling routes captured as part of the 2012 Cycling and Walking map. Data can be viewed here:
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The housing stock data that describes over 64,000 social housing properties owned by Birmingham City Council. The data describes the locations by the following information per house, the column name in the file is in capital letters - 1. Address (ADDRESS) 1. Postcode (POSTCODE) 1. Property Type (PROP_TYPE) 1. Number of bedrooms (BEDROOMS) 1. Ward in 2006 (WARD2006) 1. Floor (FLOOR) 1. Heating (HEATING) 1. Builder (BUILDER) 1. Date of BCC management starting (DATE_UNDER_MANAGEMENT) 1. Constructed Date (CONSTRUCTION_DATE) 1. Rent per month (BASIC_RENT_VAL) 1. Council Tax Band (CTBAND_VAL) 1. GeoJSON field Please note where there is no data in a cell or colum - it has not been recorded in the BCC Housing system
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
The voluntary and Community sector funding report contains details of funding payments BCC has made to voluntary and community sector organisations. Updates will be published on this page on a quarterly basis Quarter 1 - Data to 30 June will be published in August Quarter 2 - Data to 30 September will be published in November Quarter 3 - Data to 31 December will be published in February Quarter 4 - Data to 31 March will be published in May ( this will be the year end publication)
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham City Council - Council Tax Arrears by stage, between 1997-2012
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Birmingham City Council owned and managed social housing aggregated to Lower Super Output Areas ( ) to release more information that is captured in the Housing IT system. The aggregation of data is an automatic process that is intended to be used on many datasets. Therefore some of the data in this file results in a lot of columns in the CSV often counting by data attribute types. The whole of the data per property is aggregated to a Lower Super Output Area. Date fields are counted, number fields are totaled, averaged and have a minimum and maximum number. All textual fields are counted based on the number of attribute types. This file covers: * rents * insulation * smoke alarms * heating types * property types * construction types * number of floors * council tax bands * number of bedrooms The full list of columns in the file are as follows: 1. Lower Super Output Area (KeyField) 1. Average Rent per month (BASIC_RENT_VAL_avg) 1. Number of Properties (BASIC_RENT_VAL_count) 1. Max Rent (BASIC_RENT_VAL_max) 1. Min Rent (BASIC_RENT_VAL_min) 1. Sum of Rent (BASIC_RENT_VAL_tot) 1. Number of bedrooms not recorded (BEDROOMS_0) 1. Total of 1 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_1) 1. Total of 2 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_2) 1. Total of 3 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_3) 1. Total of 4 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_4) 1. Total of 5 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_5) 1. Total of 6 Bedroom properties (BEDROOMS_6) 1. Average number of bedrooms per area (BEDROOMS_avg) 1. Count of properties with bedrooms (BEDROOMS_count) 1. Max number of bedrooms (BEDROOMS_max) 1. Min number of bedrooms (BEDROOMS_min) 1. Bedrooms info not collected (BEDROOMS_null) 1. Total bedrooms (BEDROOMS_tot) 1. Constructed - Airey (BUILDER_AIREY) 1. Constructed - Bimingham Low Rise (BUILDER_BHAM_LRISE) 1. Constructed - BISF (BUILDER_BISF) 1. Constructed - Bison (BUILDER_BISON) 1. Constructed - Bryant (BUILDER_BRYANT) 1. Constructed - Bryant LR (BUILDER_BRYANT_LR) 1. Constructed - Con Block (BUILDER_CON_BLOCK) 1. Constructed - Cornish (BUILDER_CORNISH) 1. Constructed - Dorlonco (BUILDER_DORLONCO) 1. Constructed - Frame Grid (BUILDER_FRAM_GRD) 1. Constructed - Frame Form (BUILDER_FRAME_FORM) 1. Constructed - HDC (BUILDER_HDC) 1. Constructed - HSD (BUILDER_HSD) 1. Constructed - ISEC (BUILDER_ISEC) 1. Constructed - LAING (BUILDER_LAING_EASI) 1. Constructed - Metratrim (BUILDER_METRATRIM) 1. Constructed - Modulow (BUILDER_MODULOW) 1. Constructed - Mowlem (BUILDER_MOWLEM) 1. Constructed - No Fines (BUILDER_NO_FINES) 1. Constructed - Not recorded (BUILDER_null) 1. Constructed - Orlit (BUILDER_ORLIT) 1. Constructed - Permanent (BUILDER_PERMANENT) 1. Constructed - Phoenix (BUILDER_PHOENIX) 1. Constructed - Phorium (BUILDER_PHORIUM) 1. Constructed - Purpose (BUILDER_PURPOSE) 1. Constructed - Quickbuild (BUILDER_QUICKBUILD) 1. Constructed - Rational (BUILDER_RATIONAL) 1. Constructed - Rigidframe (BUILDER_RIGIDFRAME) 1. Constructed - Rigidsteel (BUILDER_RIGIDSTEEL) 1. Constructed - Rileyform (BUILDER_RILEYFORM) 1. Constructed - Smiths (BUILDER_SMITHS) 1. Constructed - Spooner (BUILDER_SPOONER) 1. Constructed - Wates (BUILDER_WATES) 1. Count of Properties with Cavity Insulation (CAVITY_INS_count) 1. Count of properties without Cavity Insulation data recorded (CAVITY_INS_null) 1. Count of properties with construction data recorded (CONSTRUCTION_DATE_count) 1. Count of properties with no construction date recorded (CONSTRUCTION_DATE_null) 1. Count of Council Tax Band A (CTBAND_VAL_A) 1. Count of Council Tax Band B (CTBAND_VAL_B) 1. Count of Council Tax Band C (CTBAND_VAL_C) 1. Count of Council Tax Band D (CTBAND_VAL_D) 1. Count of Council Tax Band E (CTBAND_VAL_E) 1. Count of Council Tax Band F (CTBAND_VAL_F) 1. Count of Council Tax Band G (CTBAND_VAL_G) 1. Count of Council Tax Band data not recorded (CTBAND_VAL_null) 1. Count of properties with data taken under management recorded (DATE_UNDER_MANAGEMENT_count) 1. Number of Residences on 10th Floor (FLOOR_10TH) 1. Number of Residences on 11th Floor (FLOOR_11TH) 1. Number of Residences on 12th Floor (FLOOR_12TH) 1. Number of Residences on 13th Floor (FLOOR_13TH) 1. Number of Residences on 14th Floor (FLOOR_14TH) 1. Number of Residences on 15th Floor (FLOOR_15TH) 1. Number of Residences on 16th Floor (FLOOR_16TH) 1. Number of Residences on 17th Floor (FLOOR_17TH) 1. Number of Residences on 18th Floor (FLOOR_18TH) 1. Number of Residences on 19th Floor (FLOOR_19TH) 1. Number of Residences on 1st Floor (FLOOR_1ST) 1. Number of Residences on 2nd Floor (FLOOR_2ND) 1. Number of Residences on 3rd Floor (FLOOR_3RD) 1. Number of Residences on 4th Floor (FLOOR_4TH) 1. Number of Residences on 5th Floor (FLOOR_5TH) 1. Number of Residences on 6th Floor (FLOOR_6TH) 1. Number of Residences on 7th Floor (FLOOR_7TH) 1. Number of Residences on 8th Floor (FLOOR_8TH) 1. Number of Residences on 9th Floor (FLOOR_9TH) 1. Number of Residences on Ground Floor (FLOOR_GROUND) 1. Number of Residences on Floor - not recorded (FLOOR_NULL) 1. Heating No. of residencies with - CHP (HEATING_CHP) 1. Heating No. of residencies with - Electricity (HEATING_ELECTRICITY) 1. Heating No. of residencies with - Gasl (HEATING_GAS) 1. Heating No. of residencies with - No data recorded (HEATING_null) 1. Heating No. of residencies with - Other Heating (HEATING_OTHER) 1. Number of properties with Loft Insulation (LOFT_INS_count) 1. Number of properties with no loft insulation data recorded (LOFT_INS_null) 1. aggregated reference - ignore (PROP_REF_avg) 1. aggregated count of references - ignore (PROP_REF_count) 1. max property reference number - ignore (PROP_REF_max) 1. min property reference number - ignore (PROP_REF_min) 1. total of the property reference numbers - ignore (PROP_REF_tot) 1. Number of detached bungalows (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Detached)) 1. Number of bungalow properties with dormer (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Dormer Bungalow)) 1. Number of bungalow properties end terrace (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (End Terrace)) 1. Number of bungalow properties inner terrace (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Inner Terrace)) 1. Number of properties bungalow semi detached (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Semi-Detached)) 1. Number of bungalow properties single (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Single Bungalow)) 1. Number of bungalow properties not known type (PROP_TYPE_Bungalow (Unknown Sub-Type)) 1. Number of flats high rise (PROP_TYPE_Flat (High Rise)) 1. Number of flats form converted house (PROP_TYPE_Flat (In Converted House)) 1. Number of low rise flats (PROP_TYPE_Flat (Low Rise)) 1. Number of flats medium rise (PROP_TYPE_Flat (Medium Rise)) 1. Number of flats over garage (PROP_TYPE_Flat (Over Garage)) 1. Number of flats over shop (PROP_TYPE_Flat (Over Shop)) 1. Number of hostels (PROP_TYPE_Hostel (BCC Hostel)) 1. Number of detached houses (PROP_TYPE_House (Detached)) 1. Number of end terrace houses (PROP_TYPE_House (End Terrace)) 1. Number of inner terrace houses (PROP_TYPE_House (Inner Terrace)) 1. Number of semi-detached houses (PROP_TYPE_House (Semi-Detached)) 1. Number of houses of unknown description (PROP_TYPE_House (Unknown Sub-Type)) 1. Number of properties in conversion (PROP_TYPE_Interim Prop - Conversion in Progress (Semi-Detached)) 1. Number of maisonettes from a converted house (PROP_TYPE_Maisonette (In Converted House)) 1. Number of low rise maisonettes (PROP_TYPE_Maisonette (Low Rise)) 1. Number of medium rise maisonettes (PROP_TYPE_Maisonette (Medium Rise)) 1. Number of maisonettes over a garage (PROP_TYPE_Maisonette (Over Garage)) 1. Number of maisonettes over a shop (PROP_TYPE_Maisonette (Over Shop)) 1. Number of properties with type not recorded (PROP_TYPE_null) 1. Number of pre-fabricated house (PROP_TYPE_Prefab (Detached)) 1. Number of properties with smoke alarms (SMOKE_ALARM_count) 1. Number of properties with no smoke alarm data recorded (SMOKE_ALARM_null)
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
This resource provides access to Birmingham City Council's energy (electricity, water and gas consumption) data for the three main buildings that form the 'city centre complex' i.e. the Council House, Council House Extension at Margaret Street and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Data has been made available since April 2014 and shows electricity (kWh), gas (kWh) and water consumption. This resource also provides access to electricity consumption data for an additional 40 Birmingham City Council sites, detailing 20 of the biggest users and 20 of the smallest users of electricity (however please note this is not based on building typology but purely consumption).
Published By Birmingham City Council
Issued over 9 years ago
Details of contracts awarded by Birmingham City Council for goods and services with a value that exceeds £5,000
Published By Municipalidad de Palmares
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By UK Data Service
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Open Data Institute
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By British Broadcasting Corporation
Issued over 9 years ago
Published By Sound and Music
Issued over 9 years ago
The British Music Collection is a world leading resource in the discovery of new British music. Dating back to 1855, the Collection is a living archive, documenting the past and present of British music.
Published By Blaby District Council
Issued over 9 years ago
These datasets contain details of individual payments to suppliers, with a value over £250 (inc. VAT), with new information being added on a monthly basis.