Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
Contains data for FDA shell egg recalls.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
This contains the dates of the Pest Control Exam. Last Update October 2015
Published By Social Security Administration
Issued about 9 years ago
The assets of the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Trust Funds between income and outgo overtime.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
Dataset of IDPH approved plumbing ordinances organized by effective amendment date. Attached to dataset is document containing copies of IDPH issued Certificates of Approval bearing adoption and local amendment language. *Note: NA = not applicable , TA = tentatively approved
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
Aggregate usage of Restricted Use Pesticides as reported through the Kaua'i Agricultural Good Neighbor Program.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
The Health Department has developed an inspection report and scoring system. After conducting an inspection of the facility, the Health Inspector calculates a score based on the violations observed. Violations can fall into:high risk category: records specific violations that directly relate to the transmission of food borne illnesses, the adulteration of food products and the contamination of food-contact surfaces.moderate risk category: records specific violations that are of a moderate risk to the public health and safety.low risk category: records violations that are low risk or have no immediate risk to the public health and safety.The score card that will be issued by the inspector is maintained at the food establishment and is available to the public in this dataset. San Francisco's LIVES restaurant inspection data leverages the LIVES Flattened Schema (, which is based on LIVES version 2.0, cited on Yelp's website (
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
The dataset includes a list of all items found in the CHHS (California Health and Human Services) Open Data Portal. The list includes dataset, chart, and map objects. It is continuously updated and includes a unique identifier for the dataset, the type of object, the name, description, creation date, last update, category, keywords/tags, publisher, contact point, posting frequency, temporal and geographic coverage, limitations/exclusion statements, language presented in, and various other fields that provide information on the source or related resources for the data, and comments on how it might be used.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
List of pesticide products licensed for distribution and sale in the state of Hawaii, including currently licensed and expired. This list is provided for informational purposes only. Restricted use pesticides are indicated by an asterisk (*). Restricted use pesticides can only be distributed and sold by a licensed dealer and only to certified applicators. It is a violation of state and federal laws to use these restricted use pesticides unless the person is a certified pesticide applicator or under the direct supervision of a certified pesticide applicator. Product names followed by a number in parenthesis, for example (1) or (2), indicate that the product will be discontinued and will only be renewed for one or two additional years after the current license period expires.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
This migratory waterfowl hunting plan for Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge allows waterfowl hunting on certain areas of the Refuge. Aerial census will be continued on a monthly basis to monitor water bird and seal populations. Under the plan 4380 acres of salt evaporation pond, 2622 acres of salt marsh, and 661 acres of slough will be opened to hunting. The number of hunters on the Refuge will not be restricted.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The Ecotox Program is at the forefront of research to understand the impacts of toxic stormwater runoff on NOAA trust resources, including salmon that spawn in urban and urbanizing watersheds throughout the western United States. This includes high-profile studies on dying coho salmon returning to spawn in urban streams throughout Puget Sound. Ecotox stormwater work has been funded for nearly a decade by the Coastal Services Center, as leads for the ecological resiliency component of the NOAA Coastal Storms Program. In-kind funding has also been provided by the NWR, EPA, the USFWS, and other partners. The science is at the core of the "Water Quality and Sustainable Practices on Land" priority objective for the National Ocean Policy, particularly Action 5. The need for targeted research on toxic runoff is expanding nationally, and Ecotox has recently begun project work with a focus on the Great Lakes. Related science communication continues throughout the PNW, California, and the Gulf of Mexico. Urban landuse modeling correlated with pre-spawn mortality
Published By Department of State
Issued about 9 years ago
This map, prepared for World Humanitarian Day 2015, shows the generalized subnational areas around the world of limited humanitarian access and security due to conflict in 2014 – 2015, as well as a bar chart showing the trend of increased attacks on humanitarian aid workers since 2000.
Published By U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Issued about 9 years ago
Explains common stressors of the military deployment cycle, some common military jargon and some back ground information on the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Published By US Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Issued about 9 years ago
The Morris Wetland Management District Habitat Management Plan provides a longterm vision and specific guidance on managing habitats for the resources of concern at Morris, to facilitate continuity in management programs. Refuge background, resources of concern, and habitat management goals and objectives are discussed. Management strategies and prescriptions then identify how and the specific means by which management and monitoring strategies will be implemented. Appendices follow.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule supporting the second cycle (UCMR 2) of monitoring, conducted under EPA oversight, was published in the Federal Register on January 4, 2007. The UCMR 2 required monitoring for 25 contaminants using five analytical methods.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
AirNow is a collaboration between EPA, and othe federal, state and local agencies to provide complete and real-time air quality information.
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2014, Series Information File for the 2014 Current Place State-based Shapefiles
Published By US Census Bureau, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
The TIGER/Line shapefiles include both incorporated places (legal entities) and census designated places or CDPs (statistical entities). An incorporated place is established to provide governmental functions for a concentration of people as opposed to a minor civil division (MCD), which generally is created to provide services or administer an area without regard, necessarily, to population. Places always nest within a state, but may extend across county and county subdivision boundaries. An incorporated place usually is a city, town, village, or borough, but can have other legal descriptions. CDPs are delineated for the decennial census as the statistical counterparts of incorporated places. CDPs are delineated to provide data for settled concentrations of population that are identifiable by name, but are not legally incorporated under the laws of the state in which they are located. The boundaries for CDPs often are defined in partnership with state, local, and/or tribal officials and usually coincide with visible features or the boundary of an adjacent incorporated place or another legal entity. CDP boundaries often change from one decennial census to the next with changes in the settlement pattern and development; a CDP with the same name as in an earlier census does not necessarily have the same boundary. The only population/housing size requirement for CDPs is that they must contain some housing and population. The boundaries of most incorporated places in this shapefile are as of January 1, 2013, as reported through the Census Bureau's Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS). Limited updates that occurred after January 1, 2013, such as newly incorporated places, are also included. The boundaries of all CDPs were delineated as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) for the 2010 Census.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Drinking Water Treatability Database (TDB) presents referenced information on the control of contaminants in drinking water. It allows drinking water utilities, first responders to spills or emergencies, treatment process designers, research organizations, regulators and others to access referenced information gathered from thousands of literature sources on regulated and unregulated contaminants.
Published By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
Issued about 9 years ago
NOAA CoastWatch provides SST data from NASA's Aqua Spacecraft. Measurements are gathered by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) carried aboard the spacecraft.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Facility Registry System (FRS) identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulation or of environmental interest to EPA programs or delegated states. Using vigorous verification and data management procedures, FRS integrates facility data from program national systems, state master facility records, tribal partners, and other federal agencies and provides the Agency with a centrally managed, single source of comprehensive and authoritative information on facilities.
Published By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Issued about 9 years ago
The Environmental Protection Agency's CWNS is required by Sections 205(a) and 516(b)(1) of the CWA. The CWNS is a summary of the estimated capital costs for water quality projects and other activities eligible for SRF support as authorized by the 1987 CWA Amendments. The Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) 2008 Report to Congress summarizes the results of EPA's 15th national survey of capital costs to address water quality or water quality related public health problems. The total wastewater and stormwater management needs for the nation are $298.1 billion as of January 1, 2008. This amount includes $192.2 billion for wastewater treatment plants, pipe repairs, and buying and installing new pipes; $63.6 billion for combined sewer overflow correction; and $42.3 billion for stormwater management. Small communities have documented needs of $22.7 billion.