Bronze level automatically awarded GB final
This data has achieved Bronze level on 28 October 2014 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.
This National Indicator Set (NIS) underpins the performance framework for local government and meets the then government's commitment to introduce a clear set of national outcomes and a single set of national indicators by which to measure them (as set out in the local government white paper Strong and Prosperous Communities). For the year 2010-11 the NHS Information Centre collected information on eight of the indicators which relate to social care and mental health services. The social care information provided at Council level for all councils with Adult Social Services responsibilities (CASSRs) in England and presented in this report is provisional and relates to the period April 2010 – March 2011. Final information is expected to be published in March 2012. The mental health information in this report is supplied by NHS trusts providing specialist mental health services. This report includes final 2010-11 data for the two indicators (NI149 and NI150) that relate to people in contact with secondary mental health services. To access the data, you will need to complete the self registration process - this should only take you a couple of minutes. The data can be found in the NASCIS online analytical processing tool: headline figures are available in the NIS table and the underlying information to calculate the indicator values for all indicators except NI127, NI 149 and NI 150 is within the RAP and ASC-CAR tables. Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
Health and Social Care Information Centre Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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UK Open Government Licence Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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UK Open Government Licence Do you think this data is incorrect? Let us know
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