Bronze level automatically awarded US beta

This data has achieved Bronze level on 22 October 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.

Gulf of Maine - Water Salinity, Temperature and Sigma t (density) data from 1912 to 1930


This table contains water salinity, temperature and sigma t (density) data from 1912 to 1930 binned at 10 meter depth intervals (from 300 meters up to 0 meters) for the Gulf of Maine. It was acquired from the Canadian Fisheries and Oceans Hydrographic database, which covers an area defined by 35 deg - 80 deg N and 42 deg - 100 deg W, and contains over 500,000 temperature-salinity profiles for the Northwest Atlantic from 1910 to the present. The data comes from a variety of sources including hydrographic bottles, CTD casts (either up or down casts), spatially and temporally averaged Batfish tows, and expendable, digital or mechanical bathythermographs. Near real-time data in the form of IGOSS Bathy or Tesac messages are also included. Updates are made monthly.

General Information

Legal Information

This dataset has been created by US Government which means it is required to be in the public domain. However US copyright law only allows open access by US citizens, we have assumed the data is equivalently licensed as CC0 for the rest of the world as this is in the spirit of the US Government’s Open Data policy.
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