Bronze level automatically awarded GB final

This data has achieved Bronze level on 19 August 2015 which means this data makes a great start at the basics of publishing open data.

Household interim projections for Leeds


The dataset shows the interim projected household levels broken down by age. This dataset replaces the 2008-based household projections released in 2010. The household projections are produced by applying projected household representative rates to the population projections published by the Office for National Statistics. Projected household representative rates are based on trends observed in Census and Labour Force Survey data. The assumptions underlying national household and population projections are demographic trend based. They are not forecasts as they do not attempt to predict the impact that future government policies, changing economic circumstances or other factors might have on demographic behaviour. They provide the household levels and structures that would result if the assumptions based on previous demographic trends in the population and rates of household formation were to be realised in practice. Additional Information. This data is available for download as an Excel spreadsheet ( The original open data source can be found on the DCLG Open Data site - (

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