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BIOMASS, TAXONOMIC CODE and species abundance tows data collected in the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean on the NATHANIEL B. PALMER cruises NBP0103 and NBP0104 as part of the Southern Ocean GLOBEC project from 2001-04-30 to 2001-08-26 (NODC A


NODC Accession 0112172 includes tows and biological data collected aboard the NATHANIEL B. PALMER during cruises NBP0103 and NBP0104 in the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean from 2001-04-30 to 2001-08-26. These data include BIOMASS, TAXONOMIC CODE and species abundance. The instruments used to collect these data include Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS). These data were collected by Carin J. Ashjian of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as part of Southern Ocean GLOBEC. The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) submitted these data to NODC on 2013-08-01. The following is the text of the abstract provided by BCO-DMO: Zooplankton abundance and biomass from MOCNESS nets using silhouette analysis (#sil)NB Palmer, austral fall & winter of 2001 & 2002 The MOCNESS-1 plankton sampler has nine rectangular nets (1m x 1.4 m) with a mesh size of 0.333 mm, which are opened and closed sequentially by commands through conducting cable from the surface (Wiebe et al., 1976). Cruises: Nathaniel B. Palmer, April-June 2001 (NBP01-03), 24 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0103,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, July-Sept. 2001 (NBP01-04), 17 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0104,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, April-May 2002 (NBP02-02), 24 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0202,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) Nathaniel B. Palmer, July-Sept. 2002 (NBP02-04), 19 tows, cruise report ({,}?project%20eq%20NBP0204,data_type%20eq%20cruise_report) This is a graph of the vertical distribution of biomass from the Winter 2001 Cruise, NBP0103: This is a graph of the vertical distribution of biomass from the Winter 2001 Cruise, NBP0104: MOCNESS Sample Analysis (From Ashjian et al., 2004) Biomass (wet weight) and abundance were determined principally by silhouette digitization of taxa lengths and conversion to equivalent wet weights according to the equations and methods adapted from Davis and Wiebe (1985) and Wiebe et al. (2004). New formulas were calculated for Southern Ocean krill because the length-weight relationship (Wet Weight = 0.0054*Length3.214) differed from that of the North Atlantic euphausiids (Wet Weight = 0.0138*Length3.071; Davis and Wiebe, 1985). Silhouette photographs first were obtained from each sample; this photograph then was scanned with an Epson Expression 1600 scanner at 1200 dpi to produce a Tagged Image File Format (TIF) image. Identification and measurement of organisms from the tiff image were accomplished manually using the specialized MATLAB� (Mathworks, Inc.) routine, the WHOI Silhouette DIGITIZER ( (v 1.0) (Little and Copley, 2003). A scanned photographic image of an aliquot of a sample was displayed with a superimposed reference grid on the computer screen. The operator identified each organism to taxonomic and/or size category by selecting the appropriate category button. Organism lengths (both straight and curved) then were measured by the operator using the cursor on the computer screen. Although the nominal resolution of the measurement is 0.02 mm, in practice the resolution was ~0.05 mm. In instances where there were too many organisms of a given type to justify measuring every individual organism, the DIGITIZER routine generated a list of randomly located cells to systematically sub-sample the overall image. Each organism's biomass was calculated automatically from its length measurement using the appropriate length-weight relationship. References: Ashjian, C.J, Rosenwaks, G.A., Wiebe, P.H., Davis, C.S., Gallager, S.M., Copley, N.J., Lawson, G.L., Alatalo, P. 2004. Distribution of Zooplankton on the Continental Shelf of Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, during Austral Fall and Winter, 2001. Deep-Sea Research II 51(17-19): 2073-2098. Davis, C.S., Wiebe, P.H., 1985. Macrozooplankton biomass in a warm-core Gulf Stream ring: Time series changes in size structure, taxonomic composition, and vertical distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research 90, 8871-8882. Little. W.S., Copley, N.J. 2003. WHOI Silhouette Digitizer version 1.0 User's Guide. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report #2003-05, 63 pp. Wiebe, P.H., K.H. Burt, S. H. Boyd, A.W. Morton, 1976. The multiple opening/closing net and environmental sensing system for sampling zooplankton. Journal of Marine Research, 34(3): 313-326. Wiebe, P.H., C. J. Ashjian, S. M. Gallager, C. S. Davis, G. L. Lawson, and N. J. Copley. 2004. Using a high powered strobe light to increase the catch of Antarctic krill. Marine Biology. 144(3): 493 - 502. Figure 1. Map of Tow locations, Fall and Winter, 2001 Table 1. Summary of locations, times, and depths for the twelve net tows. (Note: Winter tows 14 and 15 were considered one tow because when ice and malfunction led to no data in the top three nets of Tow 14, MOC Tow 15 was fished in the upper 90 meters to compensate.) Cruise Region Tow Number Date Time (Local) Light* Lat(�S) Lon(�W) Tow Depth(m) Bottom Depth(m) Ice Cover (tenths) Fall Offshore 6 05/04/01 1332 D 66� 40.17 73� 22.08 0-1001 3650 0 Midshelf 1 1 04/30/01 2050 N 66� 10.80 69� 10.47 0-306 360 0 Midshelf 2 3 05/02/01 0320 N 66� 48.53 70� 21.42 0-348 600 0 Midshelf 3 12 05/13/01 1830 N 68� 23.62 72� 18.44 0-356 400 0 Midshelf 4 16 05/18/01 0854 N 68� 59.43 74� 55.77 0-340 350 0 Marguerite Bay 24 05/29/01 0300 N 67� 55.33 68� 30.69 0-602 690 0 Winter Offshore 11 08/11/01 0918 T 67� 14.69 74� 25.27 0-989 2917 10 Midshelf 1 17 08/26/01 0306 N 66� 11.13 69� 06.21 7-305 346 6 Midshelf 2 4 07/31/01 0949 D 66� 45.18 70� 09.64 11-413 501 8 Midshelf 3 13 08/17/01 2117 N 68� 13.21 72� 56.53 0-230 325 10 Midshelf 4 14 08/21/01 1136 D 69� 15.55 75� 34.00 20-290 ~340 7 15 08/22/01 0327 N 69� 12.30 75� 43.90 0-91 ~350 9 Marguerite Bay 9 08/08/01 0215 N 67� 53.74 68� 10.82 0-488 600+ 9 *Light conditions are designated as: "D" = day, sunlight present; "N" = night, darkness; "T" = twilight See companion data sets: 1. Zooplankton biovolume values from MOCNESS tows (, - this data set is derived from displacement volume measurements and dry weight conversion calculations from the same set of samples as the above data. 2. Zooplankton Abundance Based on Taxa and Life Stages or Size ({,}) - these abundance values on the same tows were derived by counting and identifying a subset of the zooplankton to the species and life stage for euphausiids and dominant copepods and to taxonomic group with broad size categories for other zooplankton (pteropod, chaetognath, polychaete, etc.). For Information, contact: Carin Ashjian Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-3457 (ph) 508-457-2169 (fax) ( -or- Nancy Copley Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 508-289-3204 (ph) 508-457-2169 (fax) last updated 08/15/06

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